The final Report of the MIDDIR Project on HPV test on primary screening is on line.

MIDDIR Project aimed at: 1) obtaining data and information on conversion paths to HPV testing as part of screening programs; 2) harmonizing the introduction of HPV testing in primary cervical cancer screening protocols of Italian programs.

A survey by questionnaire on strategies adopted by screening programs for transition to primary HPV testing was carried out. Systematic review of the literature was performed. Discussion among experts leaded to recognize criticalities in the process. Nine cervical screening programs responded to the survey. Most chose to schedule a transition of a few years to allow for adjustment of the volume of activity in the passage from the three-year screening interval to the five-years one.

To select women to be given precedence, the trend is to make reference to the age, starting from the oldest. The liquid base is the choice by far preferred, both for the HPV test and for the Pap test.

If the reading of the HPV test "born" already centralized, a centralization process is in place for cytology. The survey on conversion strategies to primary HPV testing has shown the opportunity to schedule a transition phase. For the HPV test, cost, organization and quality benefits of centralization are clear, thus the central organization should be preferred and managed immediately. Moreover it is evident the need for a centralization of cytology.