Démopgraphie: analyse et synthèse vol. 2: Les *determinants de la fecondite
sous la direction de Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin, Guillame Wunsch
Editions de l'Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques, 2002
VI, 460 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I Quaderni della Compagnia - l'assistenza oncologica in Piemonte: problemi e prospettive
[a cura di] Nerina Dirindin
Compagnia di San Paolo, 2003
209 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Compagnia di San Paolo
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
IARC Internal Technical Report 91/002 - Mechanisms of carcinogenesis in risk identification - a consensus report of an IARC Monographs Working Group, June 11-18 1991
IARC Monographs Working Group
IARC, 1991
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series No. 339 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation: some antimicrobials, antioxidants, emulsifers, stabilizers, flour-treatment agents, acids and bases
FAO/WHO, 1966
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1967 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer epidemiology: principles and methods
[by] Isabel dos Santos Silva
IARC, 1999
X, 442 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: an introduction
Kenneth J. Rothman
Oxford University Press, 2002
VIII, 223 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Primo manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro: (contiene schede informative su 81 sostanze cancerogene)
Benedetto Terracini [et al.]
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, Comune di Torino, 1980
XVIII, 118 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Regione Piemonte; Università degli studi di Torino; Comune di Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Archives of Environmental Health - An International Journal
Heldref Publications, 2003 - 2004
Vol. 58(2003): n°4,6,10-12; Vol. 59(2004): n° 1,3,5-6,8-12
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Advances in Cancer Research
Academic Press Inc., 1958 - 1974
Vol. 5(1958) - 8(1964), 10(1967) - 12(1969), 16(1973) - 20(1974)
0065230X, 21625557
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale di epidemiologia per la sanita pubblica
[a cura di] Fabrizio Faggiano, Francesco Donato, Fabio Barbone
Centro scientifico, 2005
XIV, 338 p.; 21 cm - In testa al front.: Società italiana di igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some Non-heterocyclic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and some Related Exposures
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Taylor & Francis, Informa Healthcare, 1996 - 2008
Vol. 1(1996): n° 1-2,4; Vol. 2(1997): n° 1-3,5-6; Vol. 3(1998); Vol. 4(1999): n° 1-5; Vol.5(2000); Vol. 6(2001): n° 1,3,4; Vol. 9(2004): n° 3-6; Vol. 10(2005): n° 1,4,-6, s.1; Vol. 11(2006): n° 2-6; Vol. 12(2007); Vol. 13(2008): n° 1-2,5-8
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante TNM: guida illustrata alla classificazione TNM/pTNM dei tumori maligni
P. Hermanek [et al.]. - 4. ed.
Minerva Medica, 1998
371 p.; ill.; 20 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Per una medicina da rinnovare: scritti 1966-1976
Giulio A. Maccacaro
Feltrinelli, 1979
518 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Informatica medica. Sistemi informativi sanitari e reti di telemedicina - Seconda edizione
Alberto Rosotti
McGraw-Hill, 2021
667 p.
9788838699894, 8838699895
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Démopgraphie: analyse et synthèse vol. 3: Les *determinants de la mortalite
sous la direction de Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin, Guillaume Wunsch
Editions de l'Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques, 2002
VII, 478 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Analisi dei dati con SPSS 2: Le analisi multivariate
Claudio Barbaranelli
Led, 2006
242 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro 2° ed.
G. Ciccone, C. Magnani, B. Terracini, P. Vineis, G. Costa, P. Lombardo, M. Lorenzoni, F. Mercandetti, A. Ponti, N. Segnan
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, USL Torino 1-23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I Quaderni della Compagnia - l'assistenza oncologica in Piemonte: problemi e prospettive
[a cura di] Nerina Dirindin
Compagnia di San Paolo, 2003
209 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Compagnia di San Paolo
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistics for Biology and Health - Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data - Second edition
Matthew P. Fox, Timothy L. Lash, Richard F. MacLehose
Springer, 2021
467 p.
9783030826727, 3030826724
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Hard Graft - Work, health and right, 19 September 2024 - 27 April 2025
Wellcome Collection
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Pesticides and the Environment: A Continuing Controversy
William B. Deichmann
Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation, 1973
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Attualità del pensiero e dell'opera di G. A. Maccacaro: costruzione della scienza, del lavoro, della salute, dell'ambiente salubre
prefazione di Luciana Castellina
Centro per la salute Giulio A. Maccacaro, 1988
V, 248 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS series in statistical applications - SAS for linear models : a guide to the ANOVA and GLM procedures
Rudolf J. Freund, Ramon C. Littell
SAS Institute, 1985
12, 231 Seiten.
9780917382314, 0917382315
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Choosing your phase II trial design: a practical guide for cancer studies
S.R. Brown, J. Brown, M. Buyse, C. Twelves, M. Parmar, M, Seymour and W. Gregory
Clinical Trial Research Unit, University of Leeds, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Causes & Control
Rapid Science, Springer, 1996 - 2008
Vol. 7(1996), Vol. 8(1997): n° 2; Vol. 14(2003): n°3; Vol. 15(2004); Vol. 16(2005): n° 1-7,n° 8 supp. 1,9-10; Vol. 17(2006); Vol. 18(2007); Vol. 19(2008): n° 2-10
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Explanation in causal inference. Methods for mediation and interaction
Vanderweele Tyler J
Oxford University Press, 2015
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
British Medical Journal
BMJ, 1984 - 1987
Vol. 289 n. 6436(1984) - 295 n. 6616(1987)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Childhood cancer in Britain: incidence, survival, mortality
[edited by] Charles Stiller
Oxford University Press, 2007
VIII, 270 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dizionario medico: inglese/italiano italiano/inglese
Mario Lucchesi
Cortina, 1987
1456 p.; 25 cm
9788870780376, 8870780376
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Claudia Galassi, Federica Sarti, Antonella Bonci, Elisabetta Chellini, Manila Cherubini
Regione-Emilia Romagna, CDS Aziende USL Città di Bologna e Ravenna, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Economic evaluation in health care: merging theory with practice
[edited by] M. Drummond, A. McGuire
Oxford University Press, 2001
286 p.; 24 cm - 2 copie (8/2003)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Causality: models, reasoning, and inference
Judea Pearl
Cambridge University Press, 2000 - 2005
XVI, 384 p.; ill.; 26 cm
0195141695; 0195141687
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Exocyclic DNA adducts in mutagenesis and carinogenesis
Beatrice Singer, H. Bartsch
IARC, 1999
9789283221500, 9283221508
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Wiley, 1953 - 1968
Vol. 6(1953) - 21(1968). Mancanti anni 1961 e 1965
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori nelle Unità Sanitarie Locali - 1980/82
M. Geddes, S. Carli, G. Farchi, L. Giogioso, P. Morganti, A. Verdecchia, E. Verganelli
Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, ISS, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
American Journal of Epidemiology
Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health
Oxford University Press, 1920
1476-6256, 0002-9262
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Causality: models, reasoning, and inference
Judea Pearl
Cambridge University Press, 2000 - 2005
XVI, 384 p.; ill.; 26 cm
0195141695; 0195141687
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Applied methods of cost-benefit analysis in health care.
McIntosh E, Clarke MP, Frew EJ, Louviere JJ.
Oxford University Press
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
DRG ed altri sistemi di classificazione dei pazienti nel Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - Atti del convegno - Venezia, 19-21 giugno 1996
Regione Veneto - Assessorato per le politiche sanitarie, Ministero della Sanità - Dipartimento di programmazione, Gruppo Regionale DRG
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapporti istisan - La mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura in Italia negli anni 1988-1992
M. Di Paola, M. Mastrantonio, M. Carboni, S. Belli, M. Grignoli, P. Comba, M. Nesti
ISS, 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Economic evaluation in clinical trials
Henry A. Glick, Jalpa A. Doshi, Seema S. Sonnad, Daniel Polsky
Oxford University Press, 2007 - 2010
1 vol. (x-244 p.) : ill. ; 24 cm.
9780198529972, 019852997X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Epidemiology - the International Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Detection and Prevention - An EJC Publication
Elsevier, 2009 - 2013
Vol. 33(2009): n° 1 mancante; Vol. 34(2010); Vol. 35(2011); Vol. 36(2012): n° 2 mancante; Vol. 37(2013)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modeling infectious diseases in humans and animals
Matt J. Keeling and Pejman Rohani
Princeton University Press, 2008
XI, 366 p.; ill.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
DRG ed altri sistemi di classificazione dei pazienti nel Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - Atti del convegno - Venezia, 19-21 giugno 1996
Regione Veneto - Assessorato per le politiche sanitarie, Ministero della Sanità - Dipartimento di programmazione, Gruppo Regionale DRG
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series No. 373 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation: some emulsifiers and stabilizers and certain other substances
FAO/WHO, 1967
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: an introduction 2nd edition
Kenneth J. Rothman
Oxford University Press, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Applied methods of cost-effectiveness analysis in health-care
Gray AM, Clarke PM, Wolstenholme JL, Wordsworth S.
Oxford University Press
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Perspectives in gynaecology and obstetrics - supplemento n° 1 al vol. 4 n° 3 - Proceedings of International meeting "Intraepithelial neoplasia of the lower female genital tract"
G. Ferraris, R. Volante, A. Rizzitiello
SOMSE, 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia & Prevenzione
AIE, 1976 - 2015
Vol. 1(1976) - 39(5-6)(2015)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomakers & Prevention
AACR, 2000 - 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Oxford University Press, 2004 - 2010
Vol. 25(2004) n° 8-12; Vol. 26(2005) n° 1-6,10-12; Vol. 27-31(2006-2010) mancante n° 10(2008)
0143-3334 (print), 1460-2180 (online)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of furan (CAS no.110-00-9): in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies)
National Toxicology Program
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
287 p.; ill.; 28 cm - CAS no.: 110-00-9
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Proportionate mortality ratios in Washington state Vol. 1
S. Milham
S.N., 1982
4 v.; 24 cm - in fotocopia
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
44° Congresso nazionale della società italiana di medicina del lavoro e di igiene industriale - Padova, 21-24 ottobre 1981 - Relazioni e comunicazioni
Università degli Studi di Padova, Istituto di Medicina del Lavoro, 1981
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Proportionate mortality ratios in Washington state Vol. 2
S. Milham
S.N., 1982
4 v.; 24 cm - in fotocopia
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series No. 430 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation: Some antibiotics
FAO/WHO, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Proportionate mortality ratios in Washington state Vol. 3
S. Milham
S.N., 1982
4 v.; 24 cm - in fotocopia
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
*Sample size tables for clinical studies
David Machin, Michael J. Campbell, Say Beng Tan... et al. 3. ed.
Wiley-Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2009
VIII, 256 p.; tab. + CD-Rom; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapporto del sistema di sorveglianza della mortalità nel primo anno di nascita. anno 1982
Roberto Bertolini, Domenico Di Lallo, Daniela Gittarelli, Marilena Maruelli, Mirella Salatino, Carlo A. Perucci
Regione Lazio. Osservatorio epidemiologico, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic Reviews
Oxford Academic, 1980 - 2000
Vol. 2(1980), 4(1982)-9(1987), 11(1989), 13(1991)-20(1998), 22(1)(2000)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1985
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Gli antiparassitari agricoli - Diagnosi e terapia degli avvelenamenti acuti
[prefazione di] M. Crepet, G. Goidànich [a cura di] F. Fini. R. Righi
REDA, 1968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Estudio de las causas de las enfermedades laborales: introducción a la epidemiología laboral
Franco Merletti, Jorn Olsen, Karel Vuylsteek
SG Editores, 1990
96 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Piemonte '70 ieri - '80 oggi
Unione Camere di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura del Piemonte
Centro Studi
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1968 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series No. 445 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation: some food colours, emulsifiers, stabilizers, anticaking agents and certain other substances
FAO/WHO, 1970
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
WHO, 1974 - 1981
p. 48
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
European Journal of Cancer
Elsevier, 2009 - 2016
Vol. 45(2009) n° 6; Vol. 48-49,51,53(2012-2013,2015,2016) mancanti Vol. 48(2012) n° 1-4, Vol. 51 n° 1,3-18
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of resorcinol (CAS no.108-46-3): in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies)
National Toxicology Program
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
242 p.; ill.; 28 cm - CAS no.: 108-46-3
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
T cell subsets: cellular selection, commitment and identity
ed. by Harvey Cantor [et al.]
Elsevier Academic Press, 2004
XIV, 304 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Journal of Applied Statistics
Taylor & Francis, 1986 - 1991
Vol. 13(1986)-18(1991). Mancanti: 13(3)(1986)-14(2)(1987)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 546 -Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals: Report of a WHO Scientific Group
WHO Scientific Group on the Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals
WHO, 1974
19 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ricerche epidemiologiche svolte presso: il Servizio di Epidemiologia dei Tumori, Complesso Convenzionato Università di Torino, l'Area di Epidemiologia, USL 1-23, Torino, il RTP, Il Servizio di Oncologia - Regina Margherita, aa 1980-83, Torino, dicembre 1983
Servizio sanitario nazionale, USL 1-23, Ospedale Maggiore di S. Giovanni Battista, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Way of life and cancer incidence in Finland
L. Teppo, E. Pukkala, M. Hakama, T. Hakulinen, A. Herva e E. Saxén
Finnish Cancer Registry The Institute for statistical and epidemiological cancer research, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biostatistica in medicina
Joseph A. Ingelfinger, Frederick Mosteller, Lawrence A. Thibodeau, James H. Ware
Raffaello Cortina Editore, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1970 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1971
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Proportionate mortality ratios in Washington state Vol. 4
S. Milham
S.N., 1982
4 v.; 24 cm - in fotocopia
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
British Journal of Cancer
Nature Publishing Group, 2009 - 2014
0007-0920 (print); 1532-1827 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide residues in food : 1985 Evaluations
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
NTP technical report on perinatal toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of 5,5-diphenylhydantoin (phenytoin) (CAS no. 57-41-0) in F344/N rates and B6C3F1 mice (feed studies)
National Toxicology Program
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
312 p.; ill.; 28 cm - CAS no.: 57-41-0
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of y-butyrolactone (CAS no. 96-48-0) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies)
National Toxicology Program
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
238 p.; ill.; 28 cm - CAS no.: 96-48-0
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quantitative methodology series
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Molecular genetic testing in surgical pathology
editor, John D. Pfeifer; with contributions by Daniel A. Arber [et al.]
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
474 p., [8] c. di tav.: ill.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 546 - Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals: Report of a WHO Scientific Group
WHO Scientific Group on the Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals
WHO, 1974
19 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Le basi della statistica per scienze biomediche
T. D. V. Swinscow, M. J. Campbell
Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2004
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Classificazione degli interventi chirurgici e delle procedure diagnostiche e terapeutiche - Traduzione italiana del terzo volume della ICD-9-CM (International Classification of Diseases -9th revision - Clincal Modification)
Ministero della Sanità - Servizio centrale della programmazione sanitaria
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti della giornata di lavoro - 12/09/1985 - Bilancio pubblico dell'attività dell'Ufficio Igiene e Sicurezza Lavoro (U.I.S.L) per la istituenda USL TO-IV
Servizio sanitario nazionale, USL 1-23, Ufficio Igiene e Sicurezza Lavoro Circoscrizione 10 - Mirafiori Sud
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Salute e territorio, n° 66-67, Rivista bimestrale di politica socio-sanitaria - La salute degli italiani
Marco Geddes
Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Approved products for farmers and growers - 1969
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1969
65 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Pesticide Residues Series No. 1 - 1971 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1972
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
ISPESL: fogli di informazione
Istituto superiore per la prevenzione e la sicurezza del lavoro
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1990
70 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1985
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food - The content of this document is the result of the deliberations of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues, wich met in Geneva, 14-21 November 1966
FAO Working Party, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1967
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Principles and Methods in Modern Toxicology
Rodolfo Paoletti, Sheldon Douglas Murphy, Corrado L. Galli
Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
IARC, 1977
106 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food: report of the 1986
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Preventive Medicine
1992 - 1993
Vol. 21(5-6)(1992) - 22(1-4)(1993)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical methods in cancer research vol 2
[by] N.E. Breslow & N.E. Day
v.: ill.; 24 cm -
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Classificazione statistica internazionale delle malattie e dei problemi sanitari correlati
Ministero della Sanità, Dipartimento per l'ordinamento sanitario la ricerca e l'organizzazione del ministero
Organizzazione mondiale della sanità, 2000
3 v.; 29 cm - Tit. della cop.; ICD 10; 2 copie (3/02)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 557 - Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals: Report of a WHO Scientific Group
WHO Scientific Group on the Assessment of the Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity of Chemicals
WHO, 1974
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La salute in Italia: rapporto 1999: l'integrazione socio-sanitaria
[a cura di] M. Geddes e G. Berlinguer
Ediesse, 1999
317 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti del Seminario Nazionale "Osservatorio sul nuovo codice di procedura penale, infortuni e tumori professionali": 3° incontro tra operatori della prevenzione e operatori della giustizia
Societa' Nazionale Operatori della Prevenzione
SNOP, 1992
2 v.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evaluation of the cancerogenic risk pf chemicals to man
IARC, 1977
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1986 Evaluations - part I : Residues
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern Trends in Toxicology, Volume 1
Butterworths, 1968 - 1974
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti 3. Conferenza sullo stato sanitario del paese: i fattori di rischio nelle attivita' industriali
con la collaborazione della Regione Piemonte
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1984
301 p.; ill.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Consiglio Sanitario Nazionale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Recent results in Cancer Research
Springer, 1967 - 1976
Vol. 12(1967). 21(1969), 24(1970), 31(1970), 42(1973), 57(1976)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series No. 383 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation: Some flavouring substances and non-nutritive sweetening agents
FAO/WHO, 1968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1968 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Chemicals for Pest Control
G. S. Hartley, T. F. West
Pergamon Press, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1971 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1973
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International Journal of Epidemiology
International epidemiological Association
Oxford University Press, 1990 - 2012
0300-5771 (print), 1464-3685 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1990 - 2011
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Population and health statistic in England and Wales
Office of population censuses and surveys
Crown, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Linköping University Medical Dissertations no. 413 - Epidemiologic studies of occupational and environmental of occupational and environmental exposures and cancer of the lung
Francesco Forastiere
Linköping University - Faculty of Health Sciences, 1994
9178712572, 0345-0082
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health - An International Journal
Heldref Publications, 2005 - 2007
Vol. 60(2005): n° 1,4-5,6; Vol. 61(2006): n° 1,4,6; Vol. 62(2007):L n° 3-4
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistics in Medicine
Wiley, 1986 - 2001
Vol. 5(1986)-20(2001) (Incomplete)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International Journal of Cancer
Wiley, 2000 - 2009
0020-7136 (print), 1097-0215 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Chemicals and industrial processes associated with cancers in humans: report of an IARC ad hoc working group which met in Lyon, 15-17 January to advise the Director, IARC, on chemicals carcinogenic for humans
prepared by Ralph Althouse[et al.]; IARC
IARC, 1979
XI, 71 p.; 24 cm - Sul dorso: Chemicals and human cancer. - Includes an evaluation of data on chemicals published separately in vols. 1-16 of IARC monographs on the
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
1969 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1970
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer
[edited by] N. Munoz, F. X. Bosch and O. M. Jensen
IARC, 1989
155 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti del Seminario Nazionale "Osservatorio sul nuovo codice di procedura penale, infortuni e tumori professionali": 3° incontro tra operatori della prevenzione e operatori della giustizia
Societa' Nazionale Operatori della Prevenzione
SNOP, 1992
2 v.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Pesticide Residues Series No. 2 - 1972 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1973
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The white plague: tuberculosis, man, and society
René and Jean Dubos; foreword by David Mechanic; introductory essay by Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz.
Rutgers University Press, 1987
XXXVIII, 277 p.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Norme anti-smog
Pirola, 1968
88 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mutation - An introdction to research on mutagenesis - Part 1: Methods
C. Auerbach
Oliver & Boyd, 1962
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 574 - Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1975
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Norme per la programmazione sanitaria e per il piano sanitario regionale per il triennio 1997-1999
Regione Piemonte, 1998
258 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some industrial chemicals
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some thyrotropic agents
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Harrison's principles of internal medicine
editors Eugene Braunwald [et al.] 15. ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2001
XXXII, 2629 p.; ill.; 29 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante della mortalità per tumori nella Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Silvia Franceschi, Giovanna Meneghel, Guerrino Mezzanotte, Ettore Bidoli, Diego Serraino, Renato Talamini, Ennio Gallo
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano-Pordenone, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ricerca & pratica
Centro studi e ricerche in medicina generale, Istituto Mario Negri
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2010 - 2023
Vol. 26(2010)-39(2023)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1985 Evaluations - part II : Toxicology
FAO, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1959 - 1969
Vol. 45(1959)-(1960), (1962)-55(1969)
0300-8916, 2038-2529
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1987
FAO, 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Report of the Joint Working Group on Oral Contraceptives
HMSO, 1976
VIII, 33 p.; 25 cm - In testa al forntespizio: Department of Health and Social Security
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 576 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: Some Food Colours, Thickening Agents, Smoke Condensates, and Certain Other Substances
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
WHO, 1975
23 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Guidelines for carcinogen bioassay in small rodents
James M. Sontag, Phd. D., Norbert P. Page, D. V. M., Umberto Saffiotti, M. D.
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, 1976
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 545 - Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1974
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Mutagenicity of Pesticides: Concepts and Evaluation
Samuel S. Epstein, Marvin S. Legator
MIT Press, 1971
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives - Roma, 24 marzo - 2 aprile 1980
FAO/WHO, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Papillomavirus research: from natural history to vaccines and beyond
[edited by] M. Saveria Campo
Caister Academic, 2006
IX, 423 p.; ill.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 653 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, WHO
WHO, 1980
38 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Man-made vitreous fibres
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2002
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1987 Evaluations - part I : Residues
FAO, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Screening in oncolologia - problemi epidemiologici diagnostici, terapeutici e di programmazione sanitaria - Relazioni - 13-16 ottobre 1987, Palazzo dei Congressi di Firenze
Centro per lo Studio e la prevenzione oncologica - Servizio multizonale - USL 10/E - Firenze, Istituto Nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
Centro per lo Studio e la prevenzione oncologica - Servizio multizonale - USL 10/E - Firenze, Istituto Nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Bayesian methods to address multiple comparisons and misclassification bias in studies of occupational and environmental risks of cancer
Marin Corbin
Massey University, 2013
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Insects and Insecticides
Richard Charles Reay
Oliver & Boyd, 1969
152 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Pesticide Residues Series No. 3 - 1973 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1974
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
All japan children's registration vol. II, 1974-1978
Children's Cancer Association of Japan, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology in occupational health: tenth international symposium, Villa Olmo, Villa Erba, Como, Italy, 20-24 September 1994, Vol. 86 n. 2
ICOH Scientific Committee on Occupational Epidemiology, EPOCA, epidemiology Research Center for Occupational, Environmental and Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Occupational Health, University of Milan
v.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology in occupational health: tenth international symposium, Villa Olmo, Villa Erba, Como, Italy, 20-24 September 1994, Vol. 86 n. 3
COH Scientific Committee on Occupational Epidemiology, EPOCA, epidemiology Research Center for Occupational, Environmental and Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Occupational Health, University of Milan
v.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Year Book of Cancer
Randolph Lee Clark, 1956 - 1969
Volumi anni 1956-1964,1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Janus - Medicina: cultura, culture
Zadig, 2001 - 2012
n°1 (2001) - n°7(autunno 2012)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La salute in Italia: rapporto 1999: l'integrazione socio-sanitaria
[a cura di] M. Geddes e G. Berlinguer
Ediesse, 1999
317 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistiques de santé - Atlas de mortalité par cancer en France
A. Rezvani, F. Doyon, R. Flamant
INSERM, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante regionale per gli infortuni sul lavoro - anni 1984-87 - novembre 1989
Regione Piemonte, CSI Piemonte
Regione Piemonte, CSI Piemonte, 1989
2 copie
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
International Clinical Epidemiology Network
Elsevier, Pergamon Press, 1993 - 2005
Vol. 46(1993) n° 10-Vol. 58(2005) n°10
0895-4356 (print), 1878-5921 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quotidiani Sanità
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Radiation biology of the fetal and juvenile mammal
Melvin R. Sikov, D. Dennis Mahlum
U.S. Athomic Energy Commission - Division of Technical Information, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1986 Evaluations - Part II : Toxicology
FAO, 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Essentials of toxicology
Ted A. Loomis
Lea & Febiger, 1968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 544 - 1974 Evaluations of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1975
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical methods in medical research 2 ed.
P. Armitage, G. Berry
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1973
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Notizie sanità n° 31- Epidemiologia dei tumori maligni - Incidenza e mortalità nella provincia di Varese: 1976-1977
Assessorato Regionale della Sanità della Regione Lombardia
Scotti, 1981
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 599 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives: 20th Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
WHO, 1976
32 p
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper n. 68
FAO/WHO, 1976
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tumori maligni nel biellese dal 1959 al 1988 - Registro ospedaliero
Emanuele Ciambellotti, Sergio Ramella
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il malato immaginato: logica intuizione conoscenza : il giudizio clinico valutazione, comunicazione e decisione in medicina generale
Sergio Bernabè
CSeRMEG, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health
Hanley & Belfus, 2000 - 2005
2000-2003 n°1,2005 n°1
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 592 - Pesticide Residues in Food: Report of the 1975 Joint Meeting of the FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
WHO, 1976
45 p
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1988
FAO, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Classification internationale type des professions, ed. rev. 1968
Bureau International du Travail
BIT, 1969
415 p.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Carbon black, titanium dioxide and talc
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphthalene and styrene
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2002
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Carcinogenesis - Mechanism of action
Editors for the Ciba Foundation: G. E. W. Wolstenholme, M. O'Connor
Little, Brown, 1959
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1988 Evaluations Part I : Residues
FAO, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La mortalità per tumori in Italia, 1955-1979: effetti dell'età, della generazione di nascita e del periodo di morte = Cancer mortality in Italy, 1955-1979: effects of age, birth cohort and period of death
Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori, 1986
72 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tendenze nuove: materiali di lavoro su sanità e salute della Fondazione Smith Kline
Il Mulino, 2001 - 2010
tutti i volumi presenti fino al 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
ICD 9 CM: international classification of disease 9th revision, clinical modification - 4. ed.
U.S. Public Health Service
Utah Medicode, 1990
2 v.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 574 - Pesticide Residues in Food: Report of the 1974
FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1975
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1977
FAO, 1978
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1978
FAO, 1979
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori maligni in provincia di Varese (1 giugno 1976 - 30 giugno 1977)
Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
Registro Tumori della Regione Lombardia, 1978
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti del Convegno sulla tutela sanitaria dei lavoratori esposti a fitofarmaci
Regione Piemonte, USSL 68 - Asti, Provincia di Asti - Assessorato Agricoltura, Ordine dei medici e degli odontoiatri della Provincia di Asti, Società Nazionale Operatori della Prevenzione negli Ambienti di Lavoro
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1990
FAO, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 592 - Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1976
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Aviation Catering - Report on a Working Group, Torremolinos, 30 November - 3 December 1976
WHO, Regional Office for Europe, 1977
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori nel comune di Legnano (1966-1975)
Consorzio Sanitario di Zona -Legnano 1/Centro, SMAL
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori nelle province italiane
Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata dell'Università di Milano
Istituto di Fisica Generale Applicata dell'Università di Milano, 1985
Volumi I,II e VI: Quinquennio 1974-1978 - I,II e III parte; Volumi III,IV e V: Quinquiennio 1969-1973 - I,II e III parte
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Recenti progressi in medicina
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2004 - 2008
2004 n°6,9-12;2005 n°1-5,7-11;2006 n°2-12;2007-2008 n°3
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Healthcare standards
ECRI, 1997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Intraepithealial neoplasia of the lower female genital tract - International meeting at Turin September 9-10-11, 1987
G. Ferraris, R. Violante, A. Rizzitiello
Masson, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of Applied Statistics vol. 16 - n° 2 - aprile. maggio, giugno 1984
RCE Edizioni, 2004
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rischi per la salute derivanti da una centrale termoelettrica con particolare riferimento a quella di La Spezia
Prof. S. Kanitz, Prof. R. Puntoni
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori maligni in provincia di Varese (1 giugno 1976 - 30 giugno 1977)
Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
Registro Tumori della Regione Lombardia, 1978
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapporti istisan - la mortalità in Italia nell'anno 1981
R. Capocaccia, G. Farchi, S. Mariotti, A. Verdecchia, A. Angeli, P. Morganti, M. L. Panichelli Fucci
ISS, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1996 - 2013
1996 n°4;1999 n°5;2006 n°2-2010 n°5;2011 n°4-2012 n°2; 2012 n°4-2013
0300-8916, 2038-2529
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Counting processes and survival analysis
Thomas R. Fleming, David P. Harrington
Wiley, 1991
XIII, 429 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer a Genève - Incidence, survie, mortalitè, 1970/1983
Registre Genevois des Tumeurs
Registre Genevois des Tumeurs
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapporti istisan - la mortalità in Italia nell'anno 1980
R. Capocaccia, G. Farchi, S. Mariotti, A. Verdecchia, A. Angeli, P. Morganti, M. L. Panichelli Fucci
ISS, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Guida alla ICD-9-CM Edizione 2005 - Manuale pratico per la compilazione della parte sanitaria nella scheda di dimissione ospedaliera
Marino Nonis, Maria Giuseppina D'Ambrosio, Luca Lorenzoni
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il registro nazionale dei mesoteliomi (ReNaM): quarto rapporto
[a cura di] Alessandro Marinaccio e del gruppo di lavoro ReNaM
INAIL, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per malattie del sistema nervoso centrale in Piemonte nel periodo 1992-1997
G. Migliaretti, M. M. Maule, S. Bellini, A. Castella, A. Chiò, D. Mirabelli, F, Merletti
Edizioni Fusta Editore, 2004
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Classification internationale type, par industrie, de toutes les branches d'activité économique
Nations Unies 3. rev
Nations Unies, 1990
280 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
All japan children's cancer registration vol. I, 1969-1973
Children's Cancer Association of Japan
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapporti istisan - mortalità per tumore maligno della pleura in Italia: 1980-83
C. Bruno, P. Comba. M. De Santis, F. Malchiodi
ISS, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante della mortalità tumorale nelle provincie di Novara e di Verbano-Cusio Ossola (1980-1991)
CPO Piemonte, Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori - Sezione di Novara, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Università del Piemonte Orientale - Sede di Novara, SSEPI - Grugliasco
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Supplementary Report of the Research Committee on Toxic Chemicals
Agricultural Research Council (Great Britain).
Agricultural Research Council, 1965
16 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology of occupational health
[edited by] M. Karvonen and M.I. Mikheev
Copenhagen, 1986
IX, 392 p.; ill - Includes bibliographies.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Vital registration and marriage in England and Wales
Office of population censuses and surveys
Crown, 1979
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Regional european meeting fo the International Epidemiological Association (IEA) - Copenaghen 18-21 May, 1994 - Programme and Abstracts
IEA, WHO, 1994
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante della mortalità per tumori in Valle d'Aosta 1980-87 - Aosta 1989
Roberto Zanetti, Piera Vicari, Luciano Sblendorio, Stefano Rosso, Francesco Di Vito, Maria Teresa Caselli
Registro Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle D'Aosta, Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori, Regione Valle d'Aosta, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La mobilità sanitaria per ricoveri oncologici in Piemonte con approfondimenti sul polo di Novara (1997)
CPO Piemonte, Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori - Sezione di Novara, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Università del Piemonte Orientale - Sede di Novara
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine - supp. 48 - Occupational causes of some rare cancers: a literature review
[by] Henrik Kolstad [et al.]
Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1991
148 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statitistico della città di Torino - 1938
Divisione XIV - Urbanistica e Statistica del Comune di Torino
Arti Grafiche Varetto, 1939
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La mortalità nel comune di Genova per aree geografiche bienni 1970-71 e 1980-81 - Mortalità nelle grandi zone urbane e nelle circoscrizioni
R. Puntoni, M. Vercelli e coll.
Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro di Genova, Comune di Genova, Istituto di Oncologia dell'Università di Genova
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quaderni CPO
2000 - 2006
2000 n°3;
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine - supp. 48 - Occupational causes of some rare cancers: a literature review
[by] Henrik Kolstad [et al.]
Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1991
148 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic studies of nasal cancer and occupational exposures
P. Comba
Linkoping University, 1992
187 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Attualità in Senologia n° 3 (novembre 1992) supp. 1 - Programma di screening mammografico - Presupposti e linee guida per un progetto nazionale
GISMa, Marco Rosselli del Turco, Nereo Segnan
Scientific Press, 1992
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1940
Divisione XIV - Urbanistica e Statistica del Comune di Torino
Accame, 1941
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quaderni di Oncologia n° 1 - Atlante della mortalità per tumori nella provincia di Firenze, 1971-1979
Marco Geddes, Maria Angela Vigotti, Annibale Biggeri, Daniela Cervellini
Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori - Sezione di Firenze, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Attività CPO
2006 - 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Osservatorio Epidemiologico Regionale
Regione Piemonte, 1994 - 2004
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Analisi costo beneficio dello screening per il cancro colorettale in Italia
[a cura di] V. Ghetti
Franco Angeli, 1988
18 p.; ill.; 20 cm - In testa al front.: GOICC, Gruppo operativo italinano per il cancro colorettale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Registro Tumori Toscano - Rapporto annuale 1985
Registro Tumori Toscano, Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale
Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori - Sezione di Firenze, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1941
Divisione XIV - Urbanistica e Statistica del Comune di Torino
Accame, 1942
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cause di morte - anno 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Bollettino mensile di statistica
ISTAT, 2000 - 2002
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biological Methods for the Evaluation of Rodenticides
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1958
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1942
Divisione XIV - Urbanistica e Statistica del Comune di Torino
Accame, 1943
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atlante della mortalità per tumori nella Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Silvia Franceschi, Giovanna Meneghel, Guerrino Mezzanotte, Ettore Bidoli, Diego Serraino, Renato Talamini, Ennio Gallo
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano-Pordenone, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico italiano
Sistema statistico nazionale, ISTAT
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
XVII Riunione annuale dell'Associazione Italiana Epidemiologia - Bologna, 18-20 maggio 1993, Aula Magna S. Lucia - Convegno sul tema Qualità ed efficacia degli interventi sanitari - abstract
USL 28 - Servizio Affari Generali, Ufficio Stampa e Pubbliche Relazioni, 1993
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario di statistiche socio-sanitarie - anno 1985 - Volume secondo: Dismissioni ospedaliere nel periodo 1976-1981
CSI Piemonte, Servizio di osservazione epidemiologica e statistiche socio-sanitarie
Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alla sanità e all'assistenza, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1943
Divisone XIV - Urbanistica e Statistica del Comune di Torino
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica degli incidenti sanitari
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1949 - con dati riassuntivi per gli anni 1947 e 1948
Divisione Statistica e Lavoro
SATET, 1952
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I tumori della mammella - Protocollo di diagnosi, trattamento, riabilitazone e cure palliative
Forza Operativa Nazionale sul Carcinoma Mammario, Ministero della sanità, Ministero per la ricerca scientifica e tecnologica
Segreteria delle Forze Operative Nazionali del Progetto Finalizzato CNR "Oncologia", 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Notizie sanità - Incidenza dei tumori e cause di morte in Lombardia
Assessorato Regionale della Sanità della Regione Lombardia
Scotti, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Methods and testing strategies for evaluating the genotoxic properties of chemicals
A. Carere, G. R. Mohn, J.M. Parry, A.I. Sors, C.V. Nolan
European Commission, Directorate-General XIII - Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research, 1995
9789282700815, 1018-5593
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1946 - con dati riassuntivi per gli anni 1944 e 1945
Divisione Statistica e Lavoro
SATET, 1950
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sample size determination in health studies: a practical manual
S. K. Lwanga and S. Lemeshow
WHO, 1991
VIII, 80 p.; ill.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La *prescrizione dei farmaci in Piemonte 1980-84: profilo statistico ed epidemiologico nella medicina convenzionata
Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alla sanita ed assistenza
CSI Piemonte, 1985
99 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Programma del XII Congresso Nazionale SIGU - 8-10 novembre 2009 - 11 novembre 2009 corsi di aggiornamento
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1957
Divisione Statistica e Lavoro
Società Editrice Lombarda, 1958
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Metodi e norme
ISTAT, Sistema statistico nazionale
Paola Piacentini, ISTAT, 2000 - 2002
2000 n°6-7,2002 n°15
9788845802676, 8845802671; 9788845803062, 8845803066; 9788845807138, 8845807134
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario di statistiche sanitarie
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cross-over trials in clinical research
S. Senn
Wiley, 1993 - 2000
XV, 266 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La mortalità per neoplasia maligna nelle UU.SS.LL. 35, 37 e 38 dell'Emilia-Romagna 1985-1986
Dino Amadori, Roberta Biserni, Fabio Falcini, Antonina Callea, Marinella Amadori, Gianfranco Buzzi, Carlo Cordaro, Angelo Gambi, Marco Geddes, Monica Serafini, Vittorio Tison
Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo per la Lotta contro il Cancro in Romagna, Registro Tumori dell'Emilia-Romagna, Regione Emilia-Romagna
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1959
Divisione Statistica e Lavoro
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Medical Hypoteses vol. 10 n° 2 - february 1983
Davide F. Horrobin
Churchill Livingstone, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annali di statistica Serie X Vol. 20-21
ISTAT, 2000
(Vol. 20) 408 p. : ill., tav. ; 26 cm.; (Vol. 21) 446 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
9788845802164, 8845802167; 9788845802898, 8845802892
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Introduzione alla medicina
G. Cosmacini, C. Rugarli
Laterza, 2000
VII, 212 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Logic in medicine
[edited by] C. I. Phillips
BMJ, 1988 - 1989
XI, 104 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Progetto Salute - Anno V - n°11- Gennaio 1989 - Incidenza e mortalità per tumori maligni nella provincia di Latina, 1983-85
E. M. S. Conti, M. Crespi, M. Caperle, P. Migliorisi Ramazzini, V. Ramazzotti, G. Mascioli, F. Odoardi
Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori - Sezione di Latina, Registro Tumori di popolazione della Provincia di Latina, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica medica: un approccio evidence-based
M. J. Campbell, D. Machin
Centro Scientifico Editore; Wiley, 2002
XV, 237 p.; 24 cm - 4 copie (9/2002)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
XIV Riunione annuale dell'Associazione Italiana Epidemiologia - La frequenza delle malattie negli anni '80 - Pisa, 21-23 marzo 1990, Palazzo dei Congressi
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Biostatistica, CNR Istituto di Fisiologfa Clinica - Reparto di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica, Regione Toscana, Osservatorio Epidemiologico USL n° 12 Area Pisana, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1961
Divisione Statistica
Fratelli Pozzo - Salvati - Gros Monti & C. - Poligrafiche Riunite , 1963
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Indicatori statistici - L'ambiente della città n°3 - 2002
Mara Cammarrota, ISTAT
ISTAT, 2002
193 p. : ill., tav. ; 20 cm + 1 CD-ROM.
9788845807183, 8845807185
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume III - Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1962
Ripartizione Statistica
Fratelli Pozzo - Salvati - Gros Monti & C. - Poligrafiche Riunite , 1963
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer letters vol. 114 - march, 19, 1997 - Food and cancer prevention II
Gerrit M. Alink, H. Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita, Geert van Poppel and Wim M.F. Jongen
Elsevier, 1997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fundamentals of biostatistics
Bernard Rosner 5th ed.
Duxbury Press, 2000
XIX, 792 p.; 25 cm + 1 floppy disk
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti del Seminario di Cortona, 19-21 giugno 2003: volume 1 - Demografia. analisi e sintesi - Cambiamenti demografici, politiche di popolazione, dati e metodi
Universita degli studi di Roma, Dipartimento di scienze demografiche , Università degli studi di Siena, Dipartimento di studi aziendali e sociali, 2003
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sistema Statistico Nazionale, ISTAT
ISTAT, 2000 - 2002
2000 n°19,2002 n°23-24
9788845802850, 884580285X; 9788845806759, 8845806758; 9788845806957, 8845806952
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern statistics for the life sciences
Alan Grafen, Rosie Hails
Oxford University Press, 2002
XV, 351 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Metodi della ricerca sociale
Kenneth D. Bailey Nuova ed.
Il Mulino, 1995
632 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Chemical carcinogenesis - Models and mechanism
Francesco Feo, Paolo Pani, Amedeo Columbiano, Renato Garcea
Plenum Press, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SUGI Supplemental Library User's Guide
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1983 - 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1963
Ripatizione Statistica
Baccola & Gili, 1964
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS/FSP User's Guide, Version 5 Edition, Statistics
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1964
Ripartizione Statistica
Baccola & Gili, 1965
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I confini del consenso - un'indagine sui limiti e l'efficacia del consenso informato
Laura Canavacci
C.G. Edizioni medico scientifiche, 1999
9788871100630, 8871100638
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Colposcopia e patologia cervico-vaginale - Atti del 5° Convegno nazionale (Rimini, 25-27 maggio 1989)
A. R. Genazzani, F. Boselli
CIC, 1989
9788871410050, 887141005X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical methods in medical research
P. Armitage, G. Berry, J.N.S. Matthews. - 4. ed.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2002
XI, 817 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS/GRAPH User's Guide, Version 5 Edition
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic Reviews Vol. 4(1982)
Neal Nathanson, Leon Gordis
John Hopkins University Press, 1982
0801829143, 0801829151, 0193-936X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tubercle and lung disease - The Official Journal of the International Union against Tubercolosis and Lung Disease
International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Churchill Livingstone, 1992 - 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
An introduction to medical statistics
Martin Bland. - 2. ed.
Oxford University Press, 1995 - 1996
XIV, 396 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical models based on counting processes
Per Kragh Andersen [et al.]
Springer, 1993
XI, 767 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
12° censimento generale della popolazione
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: study design and data analysis
Mark Woodward
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 1999
XIV, 699 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il manuale MS-DOS
P. Hoffman, T. Nicoloff
McGraw-Hill, 1986 - 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Documenti salute - Tutti a dieta? - Per la prevenzione del rischio coronarico
Paul Sachet
Red, 1992 - 1993
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1965
Ripartizione Statistica
Baccola & Gili, 1966
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori nella popolazione del Piemonte (1984) e della Valle d'Aosta (1980-84)
Registro Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle d'Aosta
Registro Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle d'Aosta, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dizionario Italiano-Inglese, Inglese-Italiano
Collins Mondadori
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1966
Ripartizione Statistica
Baccola & Gili, 1967
Scaffale : Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
6° censimento generale della popolazione
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Popolazione residente nei comuni dal 1961 al 1981
ISTAT, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia ambientale: 16° Riunione annuale convegno nazionale: Venezia, 1-3 aprile 1992, Scuola Grande di S. Giovanni Evangelista
Associazione italiana di epidemiologia
C.L.U.E.P., 1992
123 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Registro tumori del Veneto; Regione Veneto; Centro oncologico regionale di Padova.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mortalità per tumori nella popolazione del Piemonte (1984) e della Valle d'Aosta (1980-84)
Registro Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle d'Aosta
Registro Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle d'Aosta, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1967
Ripartizione Statistica
Baccola & Gili, 1968
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
European Journal of Cancer - Supplements
Elsevier, 2015
Vol. 10(2012) n° 1
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il cancro in Piemonte 1965/69
Registro dei Tumori per il Piemonte e la Valle d'Aosta
Silvestrelli & Cappelletto, 1973
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia & Prevenzione - Rivista dell'Associazione italiana di epidemiologia
Inferenze scarl, 1976 - 2023
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1969
Ripartizione Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia ambientale: 16° Riunione annuale convegno nazionale: Venezia, 1-3 aprile 1992, Scuola Grande di S. Giovanni Evangelista
Associazione italiana di epidemiologia
C.L.U.E.P., 1992
123 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Registro tumori del Veneto; Regione Veneto; Centro oncologico regionale di Padova.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario di statistiche socio-sanitarie - anno 1985 - Volume primo: Struttura della popolazione
Regione Piemonte, Assessorato alla sanita ed assistenza
CSI Piemonte, Servizio di osservazione epidemiologica e statistiche socio-sanitarie, IRES, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Use of Mercury and Alternative Compounds as Seed Dressings: Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Meeting, Edizione 555
FAO/WHO, 1974
29 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume VIII - Sicilia e Sardegna
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio, Caterina Barilaro
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International Journal of Cancer
Wiley, 2009 - 2013
0020-7136 (print), 1097-0215 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La *mappatura dei rischi lavorativi nel Lazio: rapporto finale
[a cura di] P. Borgia
Regione Lazio, 1988
341 p.; ill.; 24 cm - In testa al frontespizio: Regione Lazio, Osservatorio epidemiologico
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il registro nazionale dei mesoteliomi (ReNaM): secondo rapporto
Alessandro Marinaccio, gruppo di lavoro ReNaM
ISPESL, Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro, Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Statistica Sanitaria Occupazionale, 2006
(Castrocielo: Ponticelli) 366 p; 26 cm - In testa al front.: ISPESL, Istituto superiore per la prevenzione e la sicurezza del lavoro, Dipartimento di medicina del lavoro, Laboratorio di epidemiologia e statistica sanitaria occupazionale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume IV - Emilia-Romagna e Toscana
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1970
Ripartizione Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Logistic regression and survival analysis - Module series - Logistic regression (part I, II, III), Survival analysis (part I)
David G. Kleinbaum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David G. Kleinbaum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1971
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Politiche sanitarie : economia, organizzazione e valutazione dei servizi sanitari
ll Pensiero Scientifico, 2000 - 2009
2000 n°1-2,4; 2001 n°1-2,4-6; 2002; 2003 n°1; 2004-2007; 2008 n°3- 2009 n°1;2009 n°3-4
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Molecular epidemiology: a practical approach
[edited by] Mary Carrington and A. R. Hoelzel
Oxford University Press, 2001
XIX, 243 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1976
Ufficio Statistica, 1976
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toscana in cifre (2004)
Regione Toscana - Settore Statistica, Sistema Statistico Nazionale
Regione Toscana, 2004
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mutation research. Fundamental and molecular mechanisms of mutagenesis Vol. 574, n° 1-2, 2005
Elsevier, 2005 - 2005
0027-5107 (print), 1386-1964 (web)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Congresso internazionale sulla difesa della qualità di vita da inquinamento ambientale, biologico, fisico e chimico - Trieste, 25-26-27 settembre 2000, Palazzo dei Congressi - Stazione marittima
Lega italiana per la lotta contro i tumori, Comitato Regionale Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ISERNT, EINEC
Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Divided - Racism, Medicine and why We Need to Decolonise Healthcare
Annabel Sowemimo
Wellcome Collection, 2023
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Radiazioni ionizzanti
A. Venier
Tip. Colombo, 1971
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1975
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical Ecology Vol. 4 - Statistical Distributions in Ecological Work
C. Taillie, Ganapati P. Patil, J. K. Ord
International Co-operative , 1979
464 p.
0899740014 (series); 0899740006 (volume)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1974
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Survival analysis: techniques for censored and truncated data
John P. Klein, Melvin L. Moeschberger
Springer, 1997
XIV, 502 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Innovazione e organizzazione nel sistema sanitario
Patrizia Berto, Marina Cerbo, Enzo Cerpollini, Claudio Cricelli, Iacopo Cricelli, Giovanni de Gaetano, Massimo Brunetti, Americo Cicchetti
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2009
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Medicina democratica : movimento di lotta per la salute
Medicina Democratica
Medicina Democratica, 1998 - 2011
1998-1999 n°119-124,1999-2004 n°127-153, 2006-2011 n°165-200
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale di tecniche di registrazione dei tumori
Piccin, 2021
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1973
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Pianificazione e incertezza: Elementi per la valutazione e la gestione dei rischi territoriali
Scira Menoni
Franco Angeli, 1997 - 1998
256 p.
9788846402158, 8846402154
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Medic : Metodologia didattica ed innovazione clinica - Nuova serie
Critical Medicine Publishing, 1994 - 2006
1994 n°1,4; 1996 n°1;1998 n°2-4;1999;2001 n°1-3;2002 n°2;2003;2004;2005 n°1-2;2006 n°1-3
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology for the uninitiated
Geoffrey Rose, D. J. P. Barker
BMA, 1979
59 p.; ill.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I *colori uccidono !
Gruppo di lavoro sulle ammine aromatiche
Nuove Edizioni Operaie, 1980
208 p.; 18 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sozial und präventivmedizin Vol. 34 supp. 2 (1989)
Birkhäuser, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1972
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Screening in medicina: Guida per il medico
Stefano Ciatto
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1996
9788870027112, 8870027112
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Molecular cancer research : MCR
American Association for Cancer Research
AACR, 2008 - 2009
Vol. 6(2008) n° 4; Vol.7(2009) n° 2
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SIDRIA- Epidemiologia e prevenzione dell'asma e delle allergie in età pediatrica - Vol. 1: Scuole medie (Classi III)
Enrica Migliore, Giovanna Berti, Giovannino Ciccone
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Foundations of time series analysis and prediction theory
Mohsen Pourahmadi
Wiley, 2001
XVIII, 414 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1977
Ufficio Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: beyond the basics II edizione
Moyses Szklo and F. Javier Nieto
Jones and Bartlett, 2004 - 2007
9780763747220, 076374722X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The impact of breast cancer screening on population health
Nicolien van Ravesteyn
Nicolien van Ravesteyn, 2013
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Polena. Rivista italiana di analisi elettorale (2006)
Carocci, 2006
2006 n°1-3
9788843039586 (n°1); 9788843040247, 8843040243 (n°2); 9788843041237, 8843041231 (n°3)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata
J. Scott Long
Stata Press, 2009
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1978
Ufficio Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Percorsi di ricerca e analisi dei dati
Renato Miceli
Bollati Boringhieri, 2001
415 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
A short introduction to epidemiology
Neil Pearce
Centre for public health research, 2003
0473095602, 1176-1237
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Salute e società
Franco Angeli, 2004 - 2012
2004,2006-2007 n°1-3,2008 n°3,2009,2010 n°2-3,2011 n°2,2012 n°1,3
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development
Francis E. Johnston, Michael A. Preece, Stanley J. Ulijaszek
Cambridge University Press, 1998
9780521560467, 0521560462
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sherlock Holmes e le trappole della logica
Colin Bruce
Raffaello Cortina, 2001
XI, 292 p.; 23 cm - 2 copie (3/2002)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1979
Ufficio Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Relazione sanitaria sull'oncologia in Piemonte: aspetti epidemiologici
2004 - 2006
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I manuali delle scuole - Metodologie e applicazioni informatiche nelle sperimentazioni cliniche controllate
Paolo Bruzzi, Luca Boni
Stefania Ledda, Gabriella Allavena, Manuela Percario, Luisa Baggiani, Stefania Trotta, 1995
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The molecular epidemiology of cancer - Aghia, Pelaghia, Crete, Greece - 17-22 september 1994 - abstract book
S. Roth, D. Kamel, A. Esteve, W. Anwar, A. Kannio, W. Zatonski, P. Jackson, P. Farmer, F. Bianchini, S. Loft, P. Nehls, M. Artuso, M. Peluso, A. Collins
European Science Foundation and the Euroconferences Activity of the European Union, 1994
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS/STAT Software: Changes and Enhancements for Release 6.12
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1996
158 p.
9781555448745, 1555448747
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica per discipline biomediche
Stanton A. Glantz 5. ed.; ed. ital./[a cura di] Adriano Decarli
McGraw-Hill, 2003
XVIII, 487 p.; 21 cm + 1 CD-ROM - 2 copie (5/2003)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Relazione sanitaria sull'oncologia in Piemonte: aspetti epidemiologici - 2004
Centro di riferimento per l'epidemiologia e la prevenzione oncologica in Piemonte
159 p.; 30 cm - In testa al front.: Regione Piemonte Assessorato Sanità, Rete oncologica Piemonte Valle d'Aosta
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1980-1981
Ufficio Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale di metodologia epidemiologica
Paolo Vineis, Piergiorgio Duca, Paolo Pasquini
La Nuova Italia scientifica, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical models in epidemiology
David Clayton, Michael Hills
Oxford University Press, 1993
VIII, 367 p.; ill.; 24 cm
0198522215, 978198522218
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1982-1983
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern epidemiology 3° ed.
Rothman, Greenland, Lash
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008
X, 758 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
L'epidemiologia dell'invecchiamento: 31° congresso annuale dell' Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia - Ostuni, 17-19 ottobre 2007
AIE, 2007
(Pisa: Servizio Tecnografico del CNR) 248 p.; ill.; 29 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sex hormones
IARC, 1974
243 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Journal of health economics
J. P. Newhouse, K. Claxton, A. J. Culyer, D. Cutler, T. G. McGuire
North-Holland Publ. Co, Elsevier, 2003 - 2004
2003 n°2,5-6; 2004 n°1
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some industrial chemicals and dyestuffs
IARC, 1982
416 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern epidemiology - 2. ed.
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998
Milena Maule
0316757802, 9780316757805
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 2000
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Taxes on tobacco products - a health issue
Luke Joossens, Caroline Naett, Catherine Howie
Luk Joossens, European Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention, 1992
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Monografie regionali, n° 1-2002, Rapporto statistico sulla regione Emilia-Romagna
ISTAT, 2002
9788845806445, 8845806448
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
L'equità nella salute in Italia - Secondo rapporto sulle disuguaglianze sociali in sanità
Giuseppe Costa, Maurizio Bassi, Gian Franco Gensini, Anna Lisa Nicelli, Michele Marra
Franco Angeli, 2014 - 2015
9788891709851, 8891709859
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Guida per i pazienti e i familiari - Prevenzione e cura delle lesioni da decubito: assistenza a domicilio
M. C. Azzolina, A. Russo, I. M. Raciti, L. Bernocco, V. Astolfi, P. Pinna
Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Battista di Torino, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Qualità e valutazione delle strutture sanitarie - Manuale di analisi e misurazione della performance
Antonio Pagano, Giorgio Vittadini
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Clinical prediction models: A Practical Approach to Development, Validation, and Updating
Ewout W. Steyerberg
Springer, 2010 - 2020
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Progetto di valutazione degli APR DRG sui dati di attività ospedaliera italiana
3M Health Information Systems, 1999
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annuario statistico della città di Torino - 1988-1989
Assessorato alla Statistica
Scaffale: Annuario statistico Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Access to innovative treatments in rheumatoid arthritis in Europe
Gisela Kobelt, PhD MBA, Frida Kasteng, MSc, Marta Pentek, MD PhD, Martin Engelund, PhD, Lennart Jacobsson, MD PhD
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Health Policy Vol. 80 issue 3 March 2007
Elsevier, 2007
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International standard classification of occupations
International Labour Office
International Labour Office, 1968
355 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dati sull'attività sanitaria dell'Ospedale Maggiore di San Giovanni Battista e della città di Torino - anno 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ricoveri e mortalità a Milano
ASL città di Milano, Servizio di Epidemiologia, Antonio Russo, Luigi Bisanti
Zadig, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Health economics, policy and law Vol. 1 part. 4 october 2006
Cambridge University Press, 2006
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica e ricerca epidemiologica
[a cura di] P. Bellini [et al.]
CLEUP, 1981
XV, 422 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Logistic regression: a self-learning text
David G. Kleinbaum
Springer-Verlag, 1994
XIII, 282 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern epidemiology 3° ed.
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008
X, 758 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - cause di morte nei residenti - anno 1982
G. Costa, S. Colombo, R. Zanetti, R. D'Ambrosio, S. Rosso, A. Ponti, N. Segnan
USL 1/23 Torino, Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Clinical Drug Investigation - Estratto da: Clinical Drug Investigation 2001, 21(4): 243-255
Adis International, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Istituto Toscano Tumori - scientific report 2005-2009
Istituto Toscano Tumori
Istituto Toscano Tumori, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
L'artrite reumatoide in Italia: impatto della patologia, accesso ai pazienti al trattamento e rilevanza nei Piani Sanitari e nei Documenti Regionali
Economia Sanitaria, 2009
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I tumori in Piemonte: aspetti epidemiologici - Rapporto 2011
Centro di riferimento per l'epidemiologia e la prevenzione oncologica in Piemonte
Regione Piemonte, 2011
(Torino: SGI) 310 p.; 30 cm - In testa al front.: Regione Piemonte, CPO
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Bayesian methods: an analysis for statisticians and interdisciplinary researchers
T. Leonard, John S.J. Hsu
Cambridge University Press, 1999
XIV, 333 p.; ill.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some carbamates, thiocarbamates, and carbazides
IARC, 1976
282 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern epidemiology 3° ed.
Rothman, Greenland, Lash
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008
X, 758 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The labelling of tobacco products in the European Union
European Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention
European Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention, 1993
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - compendio della relazione sanitaria - anno 1982
G. Costa, S. De Blasi, F. Faggiano, N. Segnan
USL 1/23 Torino, Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical inference: an integrated approach
H. S. Migon and D. Gamerman
Arnold, 1999
262 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: an introduction
Kenneth J. Rothman
Oxford University Press, 2002
VIII, 223 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evidence-based healthcare
J.A. Muir Gray
Churchill Livingstone, 1997
XVII, 270 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Applied health economics and health policy Vol. 1 n° 2 (2002)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Gli ospedali torinesi non clinicizzati (primi dati conoscitivi)
USL 1/23
Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il registro nazionale dei mesoteliomi (ReNaM): secondo rapporto
Alessandro Marinaccio, gruppo di lavoro ReNaM
ISPESL, Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro, Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Statistica Sanitaria Occupazionale, 2006
(Castrocielo: Ponticelli) 366 p; 26 cm - In testa al front.: ISPESL, Istituto superiore per la prevenzione e la sicurezza del lavoro, Dipartimento di medicina del lavoro, Laboratorio di epidemiologia e statistica sanitaria occupazionale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer incidence in five continents. Vol. 5
[edited by] C. Muir [et al.]
IARC, 1987
1004 p.; ill.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society
David Schlosberg, John S. Dryzek, Richard B. Norgaard
Oxford University Press, 2013
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Gli ospedali torinesi non clinicizzati (primi dati conoscitivi)
USL 1/23
USL 1/23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale di tecniche di registrazione dei tumori
Piccin, 2021
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Registro dei tumori infantili della provincia di Torino - tassi di incidenza e mortalità, curve di sopravvivenza, 1967-68
Guido Pastore, Roberto Zanetti, Stefano Rosso, Santa Di Prima, Corrado Magnani, Benedetto Terracini, Rossella Bagliano
Registro dei Tumori per il Piemonte ela Valle d'Aosta, Università degli Studi di Torino, Cattedra di Epidemiologia dei Tumorio, Servizio di Oncologia degli Istituti Pediatrici, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dizionario di evidence-based medicine
Alain Li Wan Po Ed. it./[a cura di] Marco Bobbio
Centro Scientifico Editore, 2001
212 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
In precario equilibrio: Vulnerabilità sociali e rischio povertà. Un'osservazione a partire dal quartiere San Salvario di Torino
Osservatorio della povertà e delle risorse
EGA, 2009 - 2010
9788876707001, 887670700X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Antenatal and neonatal screening
[edited by] N.J. Wald and Ian Leck 2. ed.
Oxford University Press, 2000
XXII, 591 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Medical statistics from A to Z: a guide for clinicians and medical students
B. S. Everitt
Cambridge University Press, 2003
VI, 230 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiological Research: Terms and Concepts
O. S. Miettinen
Springer, 2011 - 2014
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Relazione sanitaria 1981
Ospedale Maggiore di San Giovanni Battista e della città di Torino, Sovrintendenza sanitaria
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS Procedures Guide: Version 6
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1990 - 1992
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rose's Strategy of Preventive Medicine: The Complete Original Text
Geoffrey Arthur Rose, Kay-Tee Khaw, Michael Marmot
Oxford University Press, 2008
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - l'attività sanitaria degli ospedali di Torino - anno 1982
Sovrintendenza sanitaria dell'Ospedale Maggiore S. Giovanni Battista e della città di Torino e dell'Area di Epidemiologia della USL Torino 1-23
USL 1/23 Torino, Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Health Economics vol. 15 n° 5 - may 2007
Prof. Alan Maynard, Prof. John Hutton, Prof. Andrew Jones
Wiley, 2007
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The strategy of preventive medicine
Geoffrey Arthur Rose
Oxford University Press, 1992
XII, 138 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - l'attività sanitaria degli ospedali di Torino - anno 1982
Sovrintendenza sanitaria dell'Ospedale Maggiore S. Giovanni Battista e della città di Torino e dell'Area di Epidemiologia della USL Torino 1-23
USL 1/23 Torino, Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Étude Statistiques séries M n° 4/Rev. 3 - Classification international type, par industrie, de toutes les branches d'activité économique
Département des affaires économiques et sociales internationales - Bureau de Statistique, ONU
ONU, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The strategy of preventive medicine
Geoffrey Arthur Rose
Oxford University Press, 1992
XII, 138 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Public Health Nutrition Vol. 5 n° 6(B)(December 2002)
Dr. Barrie Margetts, Prof. Lenor Arab, 2002
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Summary measures of population health: concepts, ethics, measurement and applications
[edited by] Christopher J.L. Murray [et al.]
WHO, 2002
XXVIII, 770 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - Gli anziani a Torino: conoscenza dei servizi sociali e sanitari, disabilità, cause di ricovero in istituto
R. D'Ambrosio, F. Faggiano, M. Motta, A. Colombro, G. Costa, N. Segnan [et al]
Comune di Torino, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Neuroepidemiology: from principles to practice
[edited by] Lorene M. Nelson [et al.]
Oxford University Press, 2004
XVI, 461 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistiche demografiche ed occupazionali per le 23 circoscrizioni - circoscrizioni 1 - 12
Città di Torino - Servizio di elaborazione dati
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Summary measures of population health: concepts, ethics, measurement and applications
[edited by] Christopher J.L. Murray [et al.]
WHO, 2002
XXVIII, 770 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Problems in the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Hazard from Use of Food Additives
National Research Council (U.S.). Food Protection Committee
National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, 1960
44 p.
0598204016, 9780598204011
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
European Journal of Cancer, Volume 153 p1-274, August 2021
Elsevier, 2021
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistiche demografiche ed occupazionali per le 23 circoscrizioni - circoscrizioni 13 -23
Città di Torino - Servizio di elaborazione dati
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistics for the Environment - Volume 1
K. Feridun Turkman, Vic Barnett
Wiley, 1993 - 1997
9780471934677, 0471934674
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The evidence base of clinical diagnosis
[edited by] J. André Knottnerus
BMJ, 2002
XI, 226 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
DRGs-Version 14.0
R. F. Averill, R. L. Mullin, B. A. Steinbeck, N. Goldfield, E. D. Elia
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
l'epidemiologia clinica
Alfredo Morabia; edizione italiana [a cura di] Salvatore Panico ed Egidio Celentano; presentazione di Paolo Vineis e Caterina Canavese
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1999
XVIII, 85 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
18th ECCO - 40th ESMO European Cancer Congress - Reinforcing multidisciplinarity - Vienna, Austria, 25-29 september 2015 - Advance Programme
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il registro nazionale dei mesoteliomi (ReNaM): secondo rapporto
ISPESL, Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro, Laboratorio di Epidemiologia e Statistica Sanitaria Occupazionale,, 2006
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il processo decisionale nella diagnosi clinica 2° ed.
Patrice M. Healey, Edwin J. Jacobson, Giuseppe Realdi, Alessandra Melis, Antonella Pala
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1984 Evaluations
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1985
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The *case-control study; consensus and controversy.
ed. by M.A. Ibrahim
Pergamon Press, 1979
190 p.; ill.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fertility and Pregnancy: An Epidemiologic Perspective
Allen J. Wilcox
Oxford University Press, 2010
324 p
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Principles of epidemiology 2nd editon: An introduction to applied epidemiology and biostatistics
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office, Public Health Practice Program Office
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Epidemiology Program Office, Public Health Practice Program Office
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1989 Evaluations - part I: Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Clinical trials: design, conduct, and analysis
Curtis L. Meinert, in collaboration with Susan Tonascia
Oxford University Press, 1986
XXVI, 469 p.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Nutrition and lifestyle: opportunities for cancer prevention
[edited by] E. Riboli and R. Lambert
IARC, 2002
XIV, 561 p.; ill.; 24 cm
9789283221562, 9283221567
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I beni storico-scientifici dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, quaderno 9 - Le problematiche scientifico-sanitarie correlate all'amianto: l'attività dell'Istituto superiore di sanità negli anni 1980-2012
Gianfranco Donelli, Daniela Marsili, Pietro Comba
ISS, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1989 Evaluations - Part II: Toxicology
IPCS, FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environmen, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La salute in fabbrica
Gruppo di prevenzione ed igiene ambientale del C.d.f. Montedison di Castellanza
Savelli, 1974
2 v.; 19 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Principles of biomedical ethics
Tom L. Beauchamp, James F. Childress 5. ed.
Oxford University Press, 2001
XI, 454 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Nutrition and lifestyle: opportunities for cancer prevention
[edited by] E. Riboli and R. Lambert
IARC, 2002
XIV, 561 p.; ill.; 24 cm
9789283221562, 9283221567
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I beni storico-scientifici dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, quaderno 9 - Le problematiche scientifico-sanitarie correlate all'amianto: l'attività dell'Istituto superiore di sanità negli anni 1980-2012
Gianfranco Donelli, Daniela Marsili, Pietro Comba.
ISS, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide Residues in Food, 1991 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, Geneva, 16-25 September 1991
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1991
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Feminist perspectives in medical ethics
[edited by] Helen Bequaert Holmes and Laura M. Purdy
Indiana Univ. press, 1992
XII, 315 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Towards a Psychology of Food Choice
Paul Rozin
Institut Danone, 1998
9782930151069, 2930151064
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production an protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1991: Evaluations - Part I: Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, World Health Organization
FAO, 1992
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Air Hygiene Report 16 - Inventory of air quality and health authorities and insitutions in the WHO european region 2nd editon
Bernard Brackmann, Hans-Guido Mücke
WHO Collaborating centre for air quality management and air pollution control, Federal Environmental Agency, 2007
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Concise Oxford Thesaurus
Elizabeth McLaren Kirkpatrick
BCA, 1996 - 1998
896 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quaderni di Moniter - Gli effetti degli inceneritori sulla salute: studi epidemiologici sulla popolazione in Emilia-Romagna
Regione Emilia-Romagna - Servizio Comunicazione ed Educazione alla sostenibilità, Arpa Emilia-Romagna - Area Comunicazione
Moniter, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food - 1992 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, Rome, 21-30 September 1992
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1993
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quaderni di Moniter - Gli effetti degli inceneritori sulla salute: studi epidemiologici sulla popolazione in Emilia-Romagna
Regione Emilia-Romagna - Servizio Comunicazione ed Educazione alla sostenibilità, Arpa Emilia-Romagna - Area Comunicazione
Moniter, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1993 Evaluations - Part I: Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1994
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical Distributions Vol. 7 - Dictionary and Classified Bibliography of Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work: Volume 2
Ganapati P. Patil, M. T. Boswell, M. V. Ratnaparkhi
International Co-operative , 1984
0899740111 (series), 0899740146 (volume)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1994: Evaluations - Part I: Residues - Volume 1
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1995
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Claudia Galassi, Federica Sarti, Antonella Bonci, Elisabetta Chellini, Manila Cherubini
Regione-Emilia Romagna, CDS Aziende USL Città di Bologna e Ravenna, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica di base
Lamberto Soliani
Piccin, 2015
677 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti della 41. riunione scientifica: Universita di Milano Bicocca, 5-7 giugno 2002: sessioni spontanee
Societa italiana di statistica
Cleup, 2002
XVII, 720 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica - 2° edizione
Domenico Piccolo
Il Mulino, 2000
9788815075963, 8815075968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
L'epidemiologia dell'invecchiamento: 31° congresso annuale dell' Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia - Ostuni, 17-19 ottobre 2007
AIE, 2007
(Pisa: Servizio Tecnografico del CNR) 248 p.; ill.; 29 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Antisepsi e disinfezione
ASO S. Giovanni Battista di Torino
Azienda Sanitaria Ospedaliera San Giovanni Battista di Torino, 2001
65 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food - 1995 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, Geneva, Switzerland, 16-27 September 1995
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Principles of exposure measurement in epidemiology
Bruce K. Armstrong, Emily White, Rodolfo Saracci
Oxford University Press, 1992
IX, 351 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SAS Guide to Report Writing: Examples, Version 6
SAS Institute
SAS Institute, 1994 - 1996
208 p.
9781555446376, 155544637X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica per le decisioni. La conoscenza umana sostenuta dall'evidenza empirica
Domenico Piccolo
Il Mulino, 2010 - 2020
676 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food, 1994 Evaluations - Part I - Residues: Volume 2
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1995
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Informazione e controinformazione
Pio Baldelli
Mazzotta, 1972 - 1974
431 p.; ill.; 19 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biostatistica: quello che avreste voluto sapere... 2° edizione
Geoffrey R. Norman, David L. Streiner
Ambrosiana, 2015
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I tumori in Piemonte: aspetti epidemiologici - Rapporto 2011
Centro di riferimento per l'epidemiologia e la prevenzione oncologica in Piemonte
Regione Piemonte, 2011
(Torino: SGI) 310 p.; 30 cm - In testa al front.: Regione Piemonte, CPO
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and paper - Pesticides Residues in Food - 1995 Evaluations - part I: Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Progetto di valutazione degli APR DRG sui dati di attività ospedaliera italiana
3M Health Information Systems, 1999
145 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica per le scienze mediche
Christine P. Dancey, John G. Reidy, Richard Rowe
Piccin, 2016
556 p.
9788829927654, 8829927651
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food - 1996 - Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues, Rome, Italy, 16-25 September 1996
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1996
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cohort studies: new developments
Office of population censuses and surveys
HMSO, 1973
13 p.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica medica - 2° edizione
Martin Bland
Maggioli, 2019
658 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I Numeri del cancro in Italia 2011
Fondazione AIOM (Uniti per vincere il cancro) - AIRTUM
Intermedia editore, 2011
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide residues in food: 1996 : Evaluations. Part I - Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Toxicological Core Assesment Group
FAO, 1997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Compendio Statistico Italiano 2002
ISTAT, 2003
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food - Report 1997
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, FAO Working Party of Experts on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1998
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
An *introduction to epidemiology
Michael Alderson
Macmillan, 1976
226 p.; ill
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper: Pesticide Residues in Food - 1998 - Report of the 1998
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Core Assesment Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1999
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I Numeri del cancro in Italia 2017
Fondazione AIOM (Uniti per vincere il cancro) - AIRTUM
Il Pensiero Scientifico
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biostatistica. Casi di studio in R
Laura Ventura, Walter Racugno
EGEA, 2017
326 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evidence-based paediatric oncology
[edited by] Ross Pinkerton, Thierry Philip, Beatrice Fervers
BMJ, 2002
X, 430 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticides Residues in Food - 1997 Evaluations - Part I - Residues
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1998
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper - Pesticide Residues in Food - 2000 - Report of the 2000
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data
Torben Martinussen, Thomas H. Scheike
Springer, 2006 - 2010
470 p.
9780387202747, 0387202749
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Survey of compounds which have been tested for carcinogenic activity
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
Vari, 1951 - 2000
volumi anni 1947-1977, 1983-1998
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Principles of epidemiology: a self-teaching guide
Lewis H. Roht [et al.].
Academic Press, 1982
XI, 514 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Explanation in causal inference. Methods for mediation and interaction
Vanderweele Tyler J
Oxford University Press, 2015
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Geographical and environmental epidemiology: methods for small-area studies
[edited by] P. Elliott [et al.]
Oxford University Press, 1992
382 p. 4 c. di tav; 24 cm - Published on behalf of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epigenetic and cancer, Part B
[edited by] Zdenko Herceg, Toshikazu Ushijima
Elsevier Academic Press, 2010
XII, 302 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Geographical and environmental epidemiology: methods for small-area studies
[edited by] P. Elliott [et al.]
Oxford University Press, 1992
382 p. 4 c. di tav; 24 cm - Published on behalf of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Research
American Association for Cancer Research, 1960 - 1961
Vol. anni 1960-1964. Mancanti: numero 2 (1960), 1 (1961), 1 (1963), 2 (1964)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
E. Roger Baldwin
Wiley, 1973
VIII, 296 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Relazione sullo stato sanitario del paese, 1981-83
Consiglio Sanitario Nazionale
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1987
1258 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica funzionale. Modelli di regressione non-parametrici
Frédéric Ferraty, Aldo Goia, Philippe Vieu
Franco Angeli, 2002 - 2003
158 p.
9788846440358, 8846440358
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La medicina del lavoro, vol. 81 n° 6 - Novembre-Dicembre 1990 - Workshop on the use of human and health data for improving the toxicological risk assesment of pesticides and their regulatory control
La medicina del lavoro, 1991
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Introduzione alla biometria in igiene e medicina del lavoro
L. Ticchiarelli [et al.]
ISS, 1984
321 p.; ill.; 29 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Research Vol. 55 n° 3(1995)
American Association for Cancer Research, 1995
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Correlated Data Modelling
D. Gregori, G. Carmeci, H. Friedl, A. Ferligoi, A. Wedlin
Franco Angeli, 2001 - 2003
246 p.
9788846436993, 8846436997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Conoscenze scientifiche, saperi popolari e societa' umana alle soglie del duemila: attualita' del pensiero di G.A. Maccacaro: atti del convegno internazionale, Universita' degli studi, Milano, 1997
Medicina Democratica, Universita' degli studi di Milano
Medicina Democratica, 1998
365 p.; ill.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Iatrogenic Carcinogenesis
D. Schmähl, C. Thomas, R. Auer
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1977
122 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Correlated Data Modelling
D. Gregori, G. Carmeci, H. Friedl, A. Ferligoi, A. Wedlin
Franco Angeli, 2002 - 2003
246 p.
9788846436993, 8846436997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer Research in Switzerland
Swiss Cancer League, 2020
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic Reviews Vol. 8(1986)
Moyses Szklo, Leon Gordis, Michael B. Gregg, Myron M. Levine
John Hopkins University School of Higiene and Public Health, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Introduzione alla statistica
Benito V. Frosini
NIS, 1988
322 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Essentials of medical statistics
Betty R. Kirkwood
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1988
XII, 234 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Laboratorio di statistica con R - 2° edizione
Stefano M. Iacus, Guido Masarotto
McGraw-Hill , 2007 - 2013
396 p.
9788838663697, 8838663696
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
IARC Technical Report no. 4 - Diet, hormones and cancer: methodological issues for prospective studies
E. Riboli, R. Saracci
IARC, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
European Symposium on Late Complications after Childhood Cancer 2016
Idon Grafisk
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tossicologia degli alimenti
Alice Capuano, Giovanni Dugo, Patrizia Restani
UTET, 1999
228 p.
9788802054759, 8802054754
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical modeling for biomedical researchers: a simple introduction to the analysis of complex data
William D. Dupont
Cambridge University Press, 2002
XVII, 386 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
PVC for food contact applications: a code of PVC for safety in use
Japan Hygienic PVC Ass.
Japan Hygienic PVC Ass., 1972
54 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume VII - Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
JAMA Edizione Italiana - Supplemento a JAMA Edizione Italiana n° 4 - maggio 1998 - Users' guides to the medical literature
ESI Stampa Medica - Excepta Medica, 1998
0098-7484, 1538-3598
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tobacco and health in the European Union - An overview
European Bureau for Action on Smoking Prevention, 1994
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume II - Lombardia
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio, Carla Besozzi
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Murray R. Spiegel 2. ed.
McGraw-Hill, 1994
VIII, 504 p.; 25 cm - In cop.; 975 problemi risolti
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Analisi dei percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici in oncologia - I tumori della mammella
Regione Lombardia, ASL Milano 1, ASL Cremona, ASL Monza, ASL Monza e Brianza, ASL Bergamo, ASL Milano 2, ASL Milano
Inferenze scarl., 2014
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume I - Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta, Liguria
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Agrofarma, 1990
1 pieghevole; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Registry of toxic effects 1979
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service
v.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Secondo manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, USL Torino 1-23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume V - Marche, Umbria, Lazio
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Substanzen mit kanzerogener Wirkung75
B. Teichmann, T. Schramm 2. Ausgabe
Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, 1975
265 p.; 20 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Progressi in ematologia clinica
Carlo Bernasconi
Edizioni medico scientifche Pavia, 1990 - 1993
Vol. IX (giugno 1990): Linfomi maligni non-hodgkin '90, Vol. XII (maggio 1993): Leucemie acute '93
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tratado de Epidemiologia Clinica
Universidad de Alicante - Departamento de Medicina y Psiquiatría
DuPont Pharma, 1995
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Coordination of activities relating to the use of pesticides - part 7
Interagency Coordination in Environmental Hazards (Pesticides)
U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1964
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety - Fourth edition
Jeanne Mager Stellman
International Labour Office, 1990 - 1998
Vol. I-IV
9221092038 (set), 9221098141 (V. 1), 9221098168 (V. 3), 9221098176 (V. 4)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Tavole dei decessi e dei tassi standardizzati di mortalità per tumori maligni nelle Unita socio-sanitarie locali in Italia anni 1980-1981-1982 volume VI - Campania, Abruzzo e Molise
Paolo Branzaglia, Ugo Facchini, Amalia Bianchi Santamaria, Leonida Santamaria, Vincenzo Testa, Maurizio Camnasio
Centro Stampa Rozzano, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Hepatocarcinogenesis in laboratory rodents: relevance for man
European Chemical Industry, Ecology & Toxicology Centre, 1982
77 p.; ill.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Collaboratore e assistente amministrativo nelle Aziende Sanitarie Locali - Raccolta normativa collaboratore e assistente amministrativo nelle Aziende Sanitarie Locali
Edizioni Giuridiche Simone, 2009 - 2012
976 p.
9788824468022, 8824468020
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
International Biometric Society/Wiley, 1982 - 1998
Vol. 38-54 (incomplete)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il Novissimo Ghiotti - vocabolario Italiano - Francese e Francese - Italiano
Giulio Cumino
G. B. Petrini, 1967
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Review of current Dhhs, Doe and Epa research related to toxicology
National Toxicology Program
National Toxicology Program, 1981 - 1995
v.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
British Journal of Cancer
Springer Nature, 1953 - 1971
Vol. 7(1953) - 25(1971)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ti con erre sicurezza sociale n° 7 -Serie dell'Osservatorio Epidemiologico n° 4 - Il rischio cancerogeno in ambiente di lavoro - Fonti informative e ricerca epidemiologica
Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Reliability and validity assessment
E.G. Carmines, R.A. Zeller
Beverly Hills, Calif., Sage Publications, 1981
71 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Generalized linear models
Dipak K. Dey, SUjit K. Ghosh, Bani K. Mallick
Marcel Dekker, 2000
9780824790349, 0824790340
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dietary catechins and their potentially protective role in cardiovascular diseases and cancer
ICW Arts, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Démopgraphie: analyse et synthèse vol. 1 - La dynamique des populations
sous la direction de Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin, Guillaume Wunsch
Editions de l'Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 8: Getting Started with Stata for Windows
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2003
9781881228776, 1881228770
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Dizionario tecnico Italiano - Inglese, Inglese - Italiano
G. Marolli
Le Monnier, 1968
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Insightful Corporation, 2002
0: Programmer's Guide, I-II: Guide to statistics Vol. 1-2, III: User's guide, IV: Getting started guide; Supplement
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
A Search for Genetic Effects of High Natural Radioactivity in South India
Hans Grüneberg [et al.]
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1966
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 8 - Stata Cluster Analysis: Reference Manual
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2003
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biological Effects of Pesticides in Mammalian Systems
New York Academy of Sciences
New York Academy of Sciences, 1969
422 p
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 8 - Stata Cross-sectional Time-series: Reference Manual
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2003
9781881228646, 1881228649
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
A dictionary of epidemiology
edited for the International Epidemiological Association by John M. Last. - 4 ed.
Oxford University Press, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Animals for research: principles of breeding and management
[edited by] W. Lane-Petter
Academic Press, 1963
XVII, 515 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 8 - Stata Survival Analysis and Epidemiological Tables: Reference Manual
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2003
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some industrial chemicals
IARC, 1994
560 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Getting Started with Stata for Unix
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
9781597180535, 159718053X
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica medica: intervalli di confidenza nella ricerca biomedica
D. G. Altman [et al.] 2. ed.
Minerva Medica, 2004
XVI, 238 p.; 19 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Getting Started with Stata for Mac
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
9781597180528, 1597180521
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Stata Quick Reference and Index
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
9781597180559, 1597180556
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Foundations of evidence-based medicine
Milos Jenicek
Parthenon, 2003
XVI, 392 p.; ill.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia per la pratica clinica
C.J. Roberts
Centro Zambon, 1980
165 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11 - Mata Reference Manual: Mata matrix programming
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
Vol.1: [M-3]-[M-4], Vol. 2: [M-4]-[M-6]
9781597180573, 1597180572 ([M-0]-[M-3]); 9781597180580, 1597180580 ([M-4]-[M-6]))
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Screening in cancer: a report of a UICC international workshop, Toronto, Canada, April 24-27, 1978
[edited by] A. B. Miller
International Union Against Cancer, 1978
338 p.; ill.; 24 cm - Supported by the National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11 - Stata Multiple-imputation Reference Manual
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: User's guide
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Workbook of epidemiology
Staffan E. Norell
Oxford University Press, 1995
317 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: Getting Started with Stata for Windows
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
183 p.
9781881228875, 1881228878
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: Graphics
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: reference k-q
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: reference
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
Vol. I: a-h: Vol II: i-p Vol III: q-z
9781597180672, 9781597180689, 9781597180696
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer incidence in five continents. Vol. 7
D.M. Parkin, S.L. Whelan, J. Ferlay, L. Raymond, J. Young
IARC, 1997
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Third national cancer survey: incidence data
[edited by] Sidney J. Cutler and John L Young
National Cancer Institute, 1975
X, 454 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Programming
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiological studies
Alan J. Silman and Gary J. Macfarlane
Cambridge University Press, 2002
XIV, 241 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Stata Time-series Reference Manual
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
9781597180634, 1597180637
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: Data management
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
183 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ricerche epidemiologiche in igiene e medicina del lavoro
P. Comba, O. Axelson
ISS, 1981
122 p.; ill.; 29 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Jahresbericht / Annual Report 2011
Deutsches Kinderkrebsregister
Deutsches Kinderkrebsregister, 2012
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Making sense of data: a self-instruction manual on the interpretation of epidemiological data
J. H. Abramson, Z. H. Abramson 3. ed.
Oxford University Press, 2001
XVI, 367 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata release 11: Stata Survey Data Reference Manual
StataCorp LP
StataCorp LP, 2009
9781597180627, 1597180629
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: reference a-j
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
183 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stata realease 9: reference r-z
Stata Corporation
Stata Press, 2005
183 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Proposta di piano socio-sanitario della Regione Piemonte per il triennio 1980-82
Regione Piemonte
Regione Piemonte - Dip. Servizi sociali, 1980
719 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Some miscellaneous pharmaceutical substances
IARC, 1977
255 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Environmental aspects of N-nitroso compounds
editor E.A. Walker [et al.]
IARC, 1978
566 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Oncogenesis and herpesviruses
P. M. Biggs, G. de The, L. N. Payne
IARC, 1972
XXI, 515 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Conversion of neoplasm section, 8th revision of International classification of disease (1965): and eight revision iInternational classification of disease adapted for use in the United States, to neoplasm section, 9th revision of International classific
[edited by] Constance L. Percy
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1981
III, 90 p.; 27 cm - Sulla copertina: ICD-8 to ICD-9, Neoplasms
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Nasofharyngeal carcinoma: etiology and control
editors G. de The, Y. Ito
IARC, 1978
XVII, 610 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Primo manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro: (contiene schede informative su 81 sostanze cancerogene)
Benedetto Terracini [et al.]
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, Comune di Torino, 1980
XVIII, 118 p.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Regione Piemonte; Università degli studi di Torino; Comune di Torino
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro 2° ed.
G. Ciccone, C. Magnani, B. Terracini, P. Vineis, G. Costa, P. Lombardo, M. Lorenzoni, F. Mercandetti, A. Ponti, N. Segnan
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, USL Torino 1-23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Rapport annuel 2020
Ligue suisse contre le cancer
Ligue suisse contre le cancer, 2020
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Politiche sanitarie anno 2 n° 1, gennaio-febbraio 2001 - Economia, organizzazione e valutazione dei servizi sanitari
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 2001
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The second set of experimental cigarettes - Toward less hazardous cigarettes - report no. 2
National Cancer Institute, Smoking and Health Program
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer, science and society
John Cairns
Freeman, 1978
199 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Scuola e scienza - Un dibattito sui rapporti tra ricerca e didattica - Riforme e potere n . 6
E. Becchi, B. Fantini
De Donato, 1975
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I *colori uccidono !
Gruppo di lavoro sulle ammine aromatiche
Nuove Edizioni Operaie, 1980
208 p.; 18 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1980 Evaluations
FAO, 1981
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmethics
Association of Food & Drug Officials of the U. S.
Association of Food & Drug Officials of the U. S., 1959 - 1965
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Secondo manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, USL Torino 1-23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Classificazione delle malattie, dei traumatismi, degli interventi chirurgici e delle procedure diagnostiche e terapeutiche: versione italiana della ICD 9 CM (International classification of diseases-9threvision-clinical modification), 2007
Ministero del Lavoro, della salute e delle politiche sociali, Dipartimento della qualita, Direzione Generale della Programmazione Sanitaria, dei livelli essenziali di assistenza e dei principi etici di sistema
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2008
1116 p.; 30 cm +1 CD-ROM
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mycotoxins in Foodstuffs
Gerald Norman Wogan
MIT Press, 1965
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evaluation of the hazards to consumers resulting from the use of fumigants in the protection of food
FAO/WHO, 1965
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cancer, science and society
John Cairns
Freeman, 1978
199 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Problemi di tossicologia dei prodotti cosmetici, Atti della Conferenza del 15-16 ottobre 1982, Tirrenia (Pisa)
N. Loprenio
ETS, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Prevention of cancer: report of a WHO Expert Committee
World Health Organization
WHO, 1964
53 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evaluation of the hazards to consumers resulting from the use of fumigants in the protection of food
FAO/WHO, 1965
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Adult cancer prevention in primary care: the Quebec study
Renaldo N. Battista
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 648 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
WHO, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
WHO, 1980
45 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toxicological evaluation of some flavouring substances and non-nutritive sweetening agents
FAO/WHO, 1967
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 696 - Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants
WHO, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Simposio Internazionale Epidemiologia dei tumori occupazionali, Giovinazzo (Bari), 23-24 Settembre 1988
Filippo Ferrario
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 281 - Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation : emulsifiers, stabilizers, bleaching and maturing agents
FAO/WHO, 1964
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biotossicità da fitofarmaci
Wainer Zoli, Dino Amadori
Grabriella Napoli & Bruno Frati, gamma, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Pesticide Residue Series no. 5 - 1975 Evaluation of Some Pesticide Residues in Food
FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues
FAO/WHO, 1976
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1979 Evaluations
FAO, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1978 Evaluations
FAO, 1979
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1981
FAO, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Piano nazionale contro i tumori: linee per un intervento programmatico prioritario
Commissione oncologica nazionale
Istituto nazionale per lo studio e la cura dei tumori, 1981
77 p.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toxicological evaluation of some antimicrobials, antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers, fluor-treatment agents, acids and bases
FAO/WHO, 1967
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Illness and Culture in the Postmodern Age
David B. Morris
University of California Press, 1998
345 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 617 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
WHO, 1978
41 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Handbook of analytical and spectral data for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Vol. I: Benzo[a]pyrene and its metabolites
Midwest Research Institute (Kansas City, Mo.), NCI Chemical Carcinogen Reference Standard Repository (Kansas City, Mo.), National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Division of Cancer Etiology. Chemical and Physical Carcinogenesis Branch
Midwest Research Institute, 1993
296 p.
9780963818201, 0963818201
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Case-control Study of Congenital Anomalies and Vietnam Service (birth Defects Study) Report to the Minister for Veterans' Affairs
John Windeyer Donovan
Australian Government Pub. Service, 1983
127 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Communications presentees a la XII reunion - Ponza, 28-29 mai 1987
Group pour l'epidemiologie et l'enregistrement du cancer dans les pays de langue latine
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toxic substances control act: trademarks and product names reported in conjunction with the chemical substance initial inventory - Reporting Company Section
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1979
2 v.; 30 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Radiazioni e tumori - 8° Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Radioprotezione Medica, Ischia, 6-9 ottobre 1987
G. Trenta, R. Fazio
ENEA, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Ingested nitrate and nitrite, and cyanobacterial peptide toxins
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1980
FAO, 1981
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1990 Evaluations - Part I : Residues
FAO, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Démopgraphie: analyse et synthèse vol. 6: Population et societe
sous la direction de Graziella Caselli, Jacques Vallin et Guillaume Wunsch
Editions de l'Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques, 2004
VI, 582 p.; 25 cm
9 782733 220160
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Analisi costo beneficio dello screening per il cancro colorettale in Italia
[a cura di] V. Ghetti
Franco Angeli, 1988
118 p.; ill.; 20 cm - In testa al front.: GOICC, Gruppo operativo italinano per il cancro colorettale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Stato di salute della popolazione a Torino - l'attività sanitaria degli ospedali di Torino - anno 1982
Sovrintendenza sanitaria dell'Ospedale Maggiore S. Giovanni Battista e della città di Torino e dell'Area di Epidemiologia della USL Torino 1-23
USL 1/23 Torino, Regione Piemonte, Servizio sanitario nazionale, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1979
FAO, 1980
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1982
FAO, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica supp. no. 145 Vol. 87 (1993) - Epidemiology of alzheimer's disease: issues of etiology and validity
Laura Fratiglioni
Munksgaard, 1993
8716150309, 0065-1427
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 615 - The Selection of Essential Drugs: Report of a WHO Expert Committee
WHO Expert Committee on the Selection of Drugs
WHO, 1977
36 p
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern statistical methods in chronic disease epidemiology: proceedings of a conference
sponsored by SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society and supported by the Department of Energy; [edited by] Suresh H. Moolgavkar, Ross L. Prentice
Wiley, 1986
XIII, 282 p.; ill.; 26 cm - "A Wiley-Interscience publication." - Conference held in 1985 in Alta, Utah. - Includes bibliographies.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Research methods in occupational epidemiology, 1987, Como: course manual
H. Checkoway, N. Pearce, D. Crawford-Brown
Oxford University Press, 1987
1 v. (varie sequenze): ill.; 30 cm - In testa al front.: Università degli studi di Milano [e] Centro di cultura scientifica "Alessandro Volta"
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Screening in medical care: reviewing the evidence: a collection of essays
Nuffield Provincial Hospital Trust
Oxford University Press, 1968
VIII, 173 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Manual of medical statistics. Vol. 1
prepared by J.F. Osborn
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 1988 - 1989
194 p.; ill.; 20 cm - In testa al front.: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 631 - Evaluation of Certain Food Additives and Contaminants
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
WHO, 1978
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Harrison's principles of internal medicine
editors Eugene Braunwald [et al.] 10. ed.
McGraw-Hill, International Student Edition, 1983 - 1985
0 -07 -066474-9
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specifications for the identity and purity of some food colours, emulsifiers, stabilizers, anti-caking agents and certain other food additives
FAO/WHO, 1970
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specifications for the identity and purity of some extaction solvents and certain other substances
FAO/WHO, 1971
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specifications for the identity and purity of some food colours, emulsifiers, stabilizers, anti-caking agents and certain other substances
FAO/WHO, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
IARC Scientific Publications no. 54 - Laboratory Decontamination and Destruction of Carcinogens in Laboratory Wastes: Some Hydrazines
Marcel Castegnaro [et al.]
IARC, 1983
87 p.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Internal and Emergency Medicine : official journal of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine Vol. 1 n° 4/06
Società italiana di medicina interna
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
SIDRIA Vol. 1-2
Claudia Galassi, Federica Sarti, Antonella Bonci, Elisabetta Chellini, Manila Cherubini
Regione-Emilia Romagna, CDS Aziende USL Città di Bologna e Ravenna, 2000
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1981 Evaluations
FAO, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Etica e investigacion epidemiologica: principios, aplicaciones y casos practicos
M . J. Tormo Diaz, R. Dal-Re, G. Perez Albarracin
Societad Espanola de Epidemiologia, 1998
96 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Informatica, biometria e statistica medica: documento clinico, analisi di tracciati, classificazione automatica, farmacometria, analisi di laboratorio, riconoscimento di forme
[a cura di] Centro G. Zambon e dell'Istituto di biometria e statistica medica dell'universita' di Milano
Centro Zambon, 1970
157 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Methodes statistiques appliquees a la recherche clinique
sous la direction de A. Laplanche, C. Com-Nougue, R. Flamant
Flammarion Medecine-sciences, 1987
XIV, 168 p.; ill.; 22 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic analysis: a case-oriented approach
Steve Selvin
Oxford University Press, 2001
XIV, 323 p.; ill.; 24 cm - 2 copie (1/2003)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Toxic substances control act chemical substance inventory: user guide and indices to the initial inventory - substances name index - vol. III
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1979
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modern epidemiology - 2. ed.
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998
XIII, 737 p.; ill.; 25 cm - Posseduto in piu' copie
031675780, 978316757805
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quaderni del Notiziario Inca - Omnibus n° 3, maggio 1989 - Tumori professionali: la tutela assicurativa
Carlo Bracci, Francesco Carnevale, Pietro Comba
Inca-Cgil, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Evolution of epidemiologic ideas: annotated readings on concepts and methods
[edited by] Sander Greenland
Epidemiology Resources, 1987
IX, 190 p.; 25 cm - Reprints of articles from various sources covering the period from 1946-1977. - Includes bibliographies.
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Introductory medical statistics
R.F. Mould 2. ed.
Adam Hilger, 1989
183 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Cause effetti in medicina: logica e strumenti di valutazione clinico-epidemiologica
R. Marchioli, G. Tognoni
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1994
XII, 268 p.; ill.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Progetto di valutazione degli APR DRG sui dati di attività ospedaliera italiana
3M Health Information Systems, 1999
145 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica in medicina: un approccio basato sulla verosimiglianza
M. Grassi
McGraw-Hill, 1994
XVIII, 482 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistical methods, experimental design and scientific inference: a re-issue of Statistical methods for research workers, The design of experiments and Statistical methods and scientific inference
R.A. Fisher
Oxford University Press, 1990
790 p. compl.: ill.; 20 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologia moderna: un'introduzione
A. Ahlbom, S. Norell
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1993
126 p.; ill.; 19 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Student Handbook - Harvard school of public health 1979/80
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sample size tables for clinical studies
David Machin[et al.] 2nd ed.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1997
X, 315 p.; ill.; + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.).; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Observation and inference: an introduction to the methods of epidemiology
Alexander M. Walker
Epidemiology Resources, 1991
V, 173 p.; ill.; 20 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Alcohol consumption and ethyl carbamate
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Secondo manuale per il riconoscimento di rischi di cancerogenicità chimica nell'ambiente di lavoro
Regione Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Torino, USL Torino 1-23, 1982
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Sozial und präventivmedizin Vol. 34 supp. 3 (1993)
Birkhäuser, 1993
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
A review of the technological efficacy of some antimicrobial agents
FAO/WHO, 1971
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1977
FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues and the Environment, WHO Expert Group on Pesticide Residues
FAO, 1978
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Efficiency aspects od design and analysis of prospective cohort studies on diet, nutrition and cancer: proefschrift...
R.J. Kaaks
S.N., 1994
173 p.; 24 cm - Sul retro del front.: thesis Wageningen [University]
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Insegnare la medicina: contesto e formazione del medico, differenti approcci didattici, insegnamento delle abilita' professionali, valutazione dello studente, impiego efficace degli strumenti didattici
K.R. Cox, C.E. Ewan
Raffaello Cortina, 1988
282 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Incubo nella città vol. 2
A. Cristofolini [et al.]
Uct, 1978
2 v.; 21 cm - [Supplemento di]UCT: Uomo, città, territorio: rivista di cultura e società
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes
M.F. Drummond [et al.]. - 2. ed
Oxford University Press, 1997
305 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Gli *erbicidi: usi civili e bellici. Il Vietnam, i veterani USA, Seveso. Effetti tardivi sull'uomo e l'ambiente
[a cura di] Luigi Bisanti
Coneditor, 1985
133 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
La sperimentazione clinica in cardiologia /a cura di B. Pitt, D. Julian, S. Pocock
Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1999
XVIII, 525 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Annual plan for fiscal year ...
National Toxicology Program
National Toxicology Program, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specifications for identity and purity of food additives Vol. II - Food colours
FAO/WHO, 1963
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Methylene chloride (dichloromethane): an overview of experimental work investigating species, differences in carcinogenicity and their relevance to man
European Chemical Industry, Ecology & Toxicology Centre, 1989
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Student directory
Harvard School of Public Health
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Quality of life assessment in clinical trials: methods and practice
[edited by] Maurice J. Staquet, Ron D. Hays, and Peter M. Fayers
Oxford University Press, 1998
X, 360 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Démographie: analyse et synthèse: causes et conséquences des évolutions démographiques: actes du Séminaire international de Roma, Napoli, Pozzuoli, 26-29 mai 1999. Vol. 1
Universita degli studi di Roma, Dipartimento di scienze demografiche, 1999
XI, 380 p.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica inferenziale per la ricerca psicologica e sociale
R. Albano, A. Massa, S. Testa
Trauben, 1999
206 p.; 21 cm - Due copie
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Meta-analysis, decision-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis: methods for quantitative synthesis in medicine
D. B. Petitti 2. ed.
Oxford University Press, 2000
X, 306 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The *causes of cancer: quantitative estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United States today
Richard Doll and Richard Peto
Oxford University Press, 1981
p. 1197-1312: ill.; 23 cm - "First published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 66, June 1981."
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Spatial epidemiology: methods and applications
[edited by] P. Elliott[et al.]
Oxford University Press, 2000
XVII, 475 p., [8] p. di tav.: ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
*Parere del comitato nazionale per la bioetica sull'impiego terapeutico delle cellule staminali: 27 ottobre 2000
Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Dipartimento per l'informazione e l'editoria, 2003
140 p.; ill.; 24 cm - In testa al front.: Comitato nazionale per la bioetica
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Bayes and empirical bayes methods for data analysis
B.P. Carlin and T.A. Louis. - 2. ed.
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2000
XVII, 419 p.;
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Analysing survival data from clinical trials and observational studies
E. Marubini and M.G. Valsecchi
Wiley, 1995
XVI, 414 p.; 24 cm - 2 copie (3/02)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Estudio de las causas de las enfermedades laborales: introducción a la epidemiología laboral
Franco Merletti, Jorn Olsen, Karel Vuylsteek
SG Editores, 1990
96 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Trattato di oncologia clinica vol. 3
[a cura di] Pietro Bucalossi e Umberto Veronesi
Ambrosiana, 1973
3 v.: ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specifications for identity and purity and toxicological evaluation of food colours
FAO/WHO, 1966
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Commissione consultiva tossicologica nazionale: valutazione degli effetti cancerogeni, mutageni e teratogeni di un primo elenco di composti alogeno-derivati alchilici e olefinici
[a cura di] G. Delia Porta e L. Rossi
ISS, 1986
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Environmental Health Criteria 30 - Principles for evaluating health risks to progeny associated with exposure to chemicals during pregnancy
United Nations Environment Programme, International Labour Organisation,WHO
WHO, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Systematic reviews in health care: a practical guide
P. Glasziou [et al.]
Cambridge University Press, 2001
IX, 137 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Injury control: a guide to research and program evaluation
[edited by] F.P. Rivara
Cambridge University Press, 2001
IX, 304 p.; ill.; 27 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistics with confidence: confidence intervals and statistical guidelines
[edited by] D. G. Altman [et al.] 2. ed.
BMJ, 2000 - 2001
XII, 240 p.; 22 cm + 1 dischetto - 2 copie (1/2002)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Survival analysis with long-term survivors
Ross A. Maller and Xian Zhou
Wiley, 1996
XVI, 278 p.; ill.; 24 cm
0192622064 (v. 2)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Painting, firefighting and shiftwork
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
IARC, 2010
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Studying a study and testing a test: how to read the medical evidence
Richard K. Riegelman. - 4. ed.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000
IX, 356 p.; 26 cm + 1 cd - 2 copie (8/2003)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Concepts of epidemiology: an integrated introduction to the ideas, theories, principles, and methods of epidemiology
Raj S. Bhopal
Oxford University Press, 2002
XXVIII, 317 p.; ill.; 24 cm - 2 copie (2004)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Specification for identity and purity of some antibiotics
FAO/WHO, 1969
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Origins of human cancer - Book C
[edited by] H. H. Hiatt, J. D. Watson, J. A. Winsten
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1977
3 v.: ill.; 26 cm - Book A. Incidence of cancer in humans. Book B. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis. Book C. Human risk assessment
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences - Official Publication of the Italian Society fro Nuclear Biology and Medicine (SIBMN) Vol. 34 no. 4, october-december 1990
Minerva Medica, 1990
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Food Additives Series, No 7 -Specifications for the identity of some food colours, flavour enhancers, thickening agents, and certain other food additivies
FAO/WHO, 1976
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Commissione consultiva tossicologica nazionale: raccolta dei pareri espressi durante l'anno 1986
[a cura di] F. Pocchiari e L. Rossi
ISS, 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti dell'Associazione di Biologia Cellulare e del Differenziamento - Censimento delle linee di ricerca e degli operatori nel campo della Mutagenesi
A. G. Levis
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistica e trappole: considerazioni introduttive ad uso di (futuri) psicologi e sociologi
Renato Miceli, Silvia Testa
Libreria Stampatori, 2001
122 p.; 19 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti della 41. riunione scientifica: Universita di Milano Bicocca, 5-7 giugno 2002: sessioni plenarie e specializzate
Societa italiana di statistica
Cleup, 2002
V, 350 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Atti della riunione satellite della 41. riunione scientifica: Universita cattolica del S. Cuore <Milano>, 4 giugno 2002: il nuovo controllo statistico della qualita: processo produttivo, customer satisfaction, problemi ambientali
Societa Italiana di Statistica
CLEUP, 2002
VI, 134 p.; 24 cm - Sul front.: in collaborazione con: Associazione italiana cultura qualita
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Teaching epidemiology: what you should know and what you could do
[edited by] Jorn Olsen and Dimitrios Trichopoulos
Oxford University Press, 1992
XIII, 340 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiologic methods: studying the occurrence of illness
Thomas D. Koepsell, Noel S. Weiss.
Oxford University Press, 2003
IX, 513 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : 1982 Evaluations
FAO, 1983
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Società italiana di igiene, medicina preventiva e sanità pubblica - Nuovi vaccini: evidenze scientifiche e raccomandazioni
Gruppo di lavoro sulle vaccinazioni
Edizioni Panorama della Sanità
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Applied logistic regression
David W. Hosmer, Stanley Lemeshow
Wiley, 2000
XII, 373 p.; ill.; 25 cm - Comprende: Solutions manual to accompany Applied logistic regression/David W. Hosmer jr., Stanley Lemeshow; Solutions manual authored by Elizabeth Donohoe Cook
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Multilevel modelling of health statistics
[edited by] A.H. Leyland, H. Goldstein
Wiley, 2001
XVII, 217 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Modeling survival data: extending the Cox model
Terry M. Therneau, Patricia M. Grambsch.
Springer, 2000
XIII, 350 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Reading between the numbers: a critical guide to educational research
Radical statistics education group
Bssrs, 1982
43 p.; ill.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Il cammino del vero: lezioni di clinica medica
Augusto Murri; [a cura di] Marco Veglia
Carocci, 2003
197 p.; 18 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Mathematical epidemiology of infectious diseases: model building, analysis, and interpretation
O. Diekmann, J.A.P. Heesterbeek
John Wiley, 2000
XVI, 303 p.; ill.; 26 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
*Bayesian approaches to clinical trials and health-care evaluation
David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles
John Wiley & Sons, 2004
XIV, 391 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Multilevel analysis: techniques and applications
Joop Hox
Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002
VIII, 304 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Questionario sullo stato di salute SF-36: manuale d'uso e guida all'interpretazione dei risultati
Giovanni Apolone, Paola Mosconi, John E. Ware Jr.
Guerini, 1997
227 p.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Statistics: a Bayesian perspective
Donald A. Berry
Duxbury Press, 1996
X, 518 p.; ill.; 25 cm + 1 floppy disk (3 1/2 in.)
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
l'indagine campionaria: metodi, disegni e tecniche di campionamento
Luigi Fabbris
La Nuova Italia scientifica, 1989
261 p.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Multilevel analysis: an introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling
Tom A.B. Snijders and Roel J. Bosker
Sage Publications, 1999
VIII, 266 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Relazione sullo stato sanitario del paese, 1984-86 volume II
Consiglio Sanitario Nazionale
Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 1988
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Technical Report Series no. 710 - Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and food contaminants
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
FAO/WHO, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
WHO Food Additives Series, No 6 - Toxicological evaluation of some food colours, enzymes, flavour enhancers, thickening agents, and certain other food additives
FAO/WHO, 1975
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Epidemiology: beyond the basics
Moyses Szklo and F. Javier Nieto
Aspen, 2000 - 2004
495 p.; 23 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Commissione consultiva tossicologica nazionale: rapporto dell'attività svolta dal 1° gennaio al 31 dicembre 1986
[a cura di] L. Rossi
ISS, 1987
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Biostatistica 2° ed.
M. Pagano, K. Gauvreau; edizione italiana [a cura di] Italo F. Angelillo, Maria Pavia, Paolo Villari
Idelson-Gnocchi, 2003
XX, 432 p.; 25 cm + 1 CD-ROM - Trad. di Gabriella Di Natale
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
I Numeri del cancro in Italia 2013
Fondazione AIOM (Uniti per vincere il cancro) - AIRTUM
Intermedia editore, 2013
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
*Visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative
Edward R. Tufte 5. printing, with rev., Jan. 2002
Graphic Press, 1997
156 p.; ill.; 28 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Fao Plant production and protection paper -Pesticide residues in food : report of the 1983
FAO, 1984
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Design and analysis of quality of life studies in clinical trials: interdisciplinary statistics
Diane L. Fairclough
Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2002
XVII, 307 p.; ill.; 25 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
The collapse of chaos: discovering simplicity in a complex world
Jack Cohen & Ian Stewart
Viking, 1994
495 p.; ill.; 24 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it
Etica clinica: un approccio pratico alle decisioni etiche in medicina clinica
Albert R. Jonsen, Mark Siegler, William J. Winslade; ed. italiana [a cura di] Antonio G. Spagnolo 5. ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2003
XVI, 249 p.; 21 cm
The CPO library does not offer an opening and lending service to the public, as its attendance has always been reserved for internal staff.
Those who are interested in having information on the possible consultation of certain volumes in the catalog can contact Antonio Randino by email: arandino@cittadellasalute. to.it