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126 results (page 1 of 7)

Registration is open for the courses of the specialist week, the detailed programs of which can be consulted online on the European Educational Program in Epidemiology website.

Interventions for the the Course for breast screening health technicians which took place on October 15th at the AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, in collaboration with AITeRS, are online.

Registration is open for the the Course for breast screening health technicians, which will take place next October 15th, at the AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, in collaboration with AITeRS.

The course dedicated to causal inference, promoted by the Italian Society of Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology will be held in Milan from December 16th to 17th.

Registration for the XXXII edition of the Epidemiology Residential Summer Course organized by the European Educational Program in Epidemiology scheduled in Florence from 17 June to 5 July 2019 is now open.

The competition announcement for the scholarship for the Biennial Master in Epidemiology of the University of Turin has been published. The Master is aimed at those interested in planning, conducting and analyzing epidemiological investigations.