2nd CHICOS workshop, Turin (Italy) 2012, 24-25th May

CHICOS is holding its 2nd workshop entitled “Birth Cohort Research in Europe ? Present and future Strategic Priorities”, May 24-25th, 2012, Turin (Italy).

The one-and-a-half day workshop will gather together EU birth cohorts to discuss:

  1. Recommendations and strategic priorities for birth cohort research in Europe;
  2. Results from the eight ongoing CHICOS case-studies on reproductive outcomes, obesity and asthma, involving pooled analyses of European birth cohorts.

Keynote lectures will include economic determinants of cognitive development and child health, birth cohort research status in Central and Eastern Europe.

All European birth cohorts and interested stakeholders are invited to participate in the workshop.

The deadline for registration is April 15st, 2012. Please fill in the registration form and send it to radhika.srinivasan@unito.it.

If you are interested in receiving further information, please contact Radhika Srinivasan at the University of Turin.

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