1st CHICOS workshop, Barcelona 2011, 11-12th April

CHICOS organizes a workshop entitled “Towards improved coordination of birth cohort research in Europe”, April 11-12th, 2011, Barcelona (Spain).

[This news has been updated]

This 1.5 day long workshop is aimed at bringing together EU birth cohorts to discuss ways to improve coordination between birth cohorts across Europe. We will work towards achieving the main of the CHICOS project: to develop an integrated strategy for cohort research in Europe.

The workshop will contain 4 distinct parts:

  1. The inventory of birth cohorts in Europe;
  2. Birth cohort research in main topic areas of child health (such as perinatal outcomes, asthma, obesity, and neurodevelopment) and child health determinants (such as social factors, nutrition, environment, and genetic factors): the contribution of birth cohort research in each of these areas and recommendations for future, EU level, research;
  3. The link between birth cohort research and policy;
  4. Plans for case-studies that will pool or compare data from different EU birth cohorts.

All European birth cohortsi are invited to participate in the workshop and the project Scientific Advisory Board will be present.

Keynote speakers include Prof. Linda Richter (senior specialist from the COHORT collaboration of cohorts in low and middle income countries), Prof. Debby Lawlor and European Cohort Project Coordinators Dr. Thomas Keil (GA²LEN) and Prof. Mark Nieuwenhuijsen (ENRIECO).

If you are interested to receive further information, please contact Diana van Gent.

i For this purpose defined as a cohort that: a) focuses on child health as the main study outcome; b) started enrolment of mothers into the cohort during pregnancy or at birth; c) includes at least one follow-up point after birth with direct contact with mothers and children; d) is located in a European Member State. This does not include clinical trial with follow-up, studies that obtain health outcome data only through registry linkage, etc.

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