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555 results (page 9 of 28)

The annual appointment of the Italian Association of Epidemiology intends to launch a debate on the experience gained in the first epidemic phase, focusing attention on the health of the future and the contribution of epidemiology in the field of public health.

The webinar "Vulnerable populations and health" will be held on 28 September, an opportunity to debate and discuss the issue of inequalities. The following collaborate in the event: the Italian Association of Epidemiology, the Health and Social Agency of the Emilia-Romagna Region, Epidemiology & Prevention.

There is time until September 27 for the abstracts submission to participate in the annual conference of the Italian Association of Epidemiology which will be held in the first week of November and will be dedicated to the COVID-19 emergency.

We report the editorial signed by the Italian Epidemiology Association and the journal Epidemiology & Prevention with the recommendations addressed to the National Health Service.

The Epidemiology of Tumors of the AOU Maggiore della Carità of Novara and of the University of Eastern Piedmont leads and collaborates in some studies focusing on the new Coronavirus.

Despite the decline in media attention, it is important to stay up to date on Coronavirus, relying on institutional sites that are able to form reliable data and information.

The Science Weeks are back in Turin and its province. Two months of events to bring the general public closer to science and all its protagonists.

In an article published in Scienza in rete Rodolfo Saracci illustrates the risks and problems that we are about to face, inviting caution and the sense of collective responsibility.

What contribution can epidemiology make in the orientation and management of public health and care activities during phase 2 of the current epidemic crisis from COVID-19?

The webinar "Air pollution and COVID-19", organized by the Italian Environment and Health Network in collaboration with the Italian Association of Epidemiology, will take place on 23 June.

What are the consequences of the Coronavirus health emergency on the experimentation of the ERAS protocol in Piedmont? An interview with Oscar Bertetto, director of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley Oncology Network is available online.

The FIM "Audit Centers of Senology" workshop, scheduled for May 27 in streaming, will deal with the monitoring of indicators relating to diagnostic-therapeutic performance and the certification of the centers of senology in addition to the usual presentation of clinical cases.