The new Regional Plan for Prevention 2015-2018 was approved by the Regional Council, on the proposal of the Health assessor, Antonio Saitta.

The document, result of the commitment of several study groups that have worked in ten programs to integrate functions and skills present in the Departments of Health and Prevention of the Company in the Regional Health Service, is preceded by the update of the health profile of the population in Piedmont and is accompanied by instruments monitoring of sentinel indicators for reporting in progress of the Plan and indicators.

The Plan and the respect of content certificates constitute a basic level of assistance (LEA) for the region and an objective of the mandate for the directors of Local Health Authorities. The plan devotes the National Programme "Gaining health" four specific regional programs declined in defined contexts:

  • school
  • living environments;
  • work environments;
  • health services.

With five intervention programs the Plan includes specific actions on specialist areas:

  • population screening;
  • work and health;
  • environment and health;
  • prevention of communicable diseases;
  • food safety

The floor is completed by the tenth regional program dedicated to governance, namely the various organizational aspects, training / information and monitoring the implementation of the contents of the Plan by the structures of the public health service and the partnership involved. 

Further investigation and documentation can be found in the section on the site of the Piedmont Region.